Can imuran affect an HIV test

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Dec 28, 2013
Does anyone know if Imuran can affect an HIV test?

My HIV 4th gen came back negative.
My GI and PCP both said Imuran will not affect my test.

I am still worried.

Any info would be appreciated
I'm having the hardest time finding something from a legit website. A few mention high amounts corticoids, high amounts of immunosuppressants and chemotherapy drugs affecting the antibiodies resulting in a false negative yet I can't seen to find actual studies on it for the life of me right now. If nothing else I would definitely be retested and have your doctor use different tests (some test kits can be faulty and will result in a false negative as well, Page 18 0607.pdf).

These are from online doctors who say that it's possible:

I don't believe that this has anything to do with your initial question but it's another possibility for a false negative.
The loss of HIV-specific antibodies can lead to false-negative results on rapid HIV tests in children and adolescents after successful long-term antiretroviral therapy, according to results presented here at the 51st Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC).
naw, I have been tested for HIV, negative

the actual HIV test is extremely accurate

also the HIV test isn't the only thing tested, there's the indication too, which can be

-direct, you slept with someone with HIV
-indirect, your lymphocytes are low, they will then specifically test your B and T cell, if there is T cell lymphopenia, they will test you, usually it is CD4+ deficiency

I have lymphopenia, T cell lymphopenia. Why I don't know and neither do specialists. It's called ideopathic lymphopenia. I do not have HIV, but many people with crohn's disease have lymphopenia, the difference with HIV is that we are stable, our T cells don't drop any lower, it's possible that our T cells are very active in our intestine. We're not low on T cells, they're just not in an area that can be easily measured.

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