Can intense physical activity set off Crohn's?

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May 19, 2017
Hi - I'm awaiting on confirmation of Dr's suspicion of Crohn's (ulcer's in ileum) but trying to do a bit of research to plan for the potential and next steps. First, my symptoms don't seem to be typical (no d, no indigestion, no blood, etc) and I think I can tie them back to training for a half iron man last year. Lots of running, biking and swimming. At the time I felt like while I should be tired I was more tired than was reasonable and when running I felt pain/pressure around my rib cage. Fast forward 2 months after race and I started getting more pains/pressure/etc. At this point my activity level had dropped from pre-race but I was still staying active. Now I'm in almost constant discomfort/pain but again it is all upper torso area (ribs/sternum/diaphragm/throat/back). GP says referred pain. Anyone else experienced this and can share insights?
I've often thought that some of my bouts of ileal pain are triggered by mechanical means - stretching, pressure, or straining the abdomen in that area. For that reason I long thought, prior to my diagnosis of ileal Crohn's, that the problem causing all the pain was a weak spot or partial tear or hernia in the abdominal muscles on the right side. Turned out the real problem was deeper down in the bowel.

But it still seems to me that some episodes of Crohn's pain can be triggered by physical means. So maybe that's what's happening to you in your vigorous workouts.
Yes my symptoms of Crohn's are solely pain. No D, no C, no blood, no ingestion, no nausea, no problem with appetite, stable weight (though my weight is low). I get cramps above my belly button in between my rib cage, which is referred pain from my ileum. In the past year I have also started getting aching type pain on my right hand side where my ileum is and fatigue. For sure any form of exercise makes me worse. I have had to give up yoga and am unable to walk too far. Many people find exercise helps their Crohn's though.
I would definitely say physical activity makes my crohns worse. I have alot of other illnesses which are affected and stop me doing any real activity. But even if i bend over or hunch my stomach over, i get pain and it starts off stitch pains in my ileum until i stop. If i stand/walk too long i get crohns pain also. I have had a obstruction when i tried to put wallpaper up.!