Well, I did a brief search on the net about 6MP. Results? A really big old bag of mixed messages. One site said that it's best to take it at nite, and not to take it with milk. Same site said people should be tested first to see if they can safely metabolize the drug, but that most doc's didn't bother to do this???
Another site said to take it with plenty of fluids, esp milk (???) to minimize the risk of upsetting the stomach (so flip a coin to see which one you opt to listen to).. This same site said that there were no known issues with taking it with 'beverages' (but they didn't specifically state alcoholic ones).
Course, taking this advice means that your coin toss indicated these were the folks to listen to. In any event, both advised/warned about taking this with other meds.. in particular metho and any of the known blood thinners!
As for the alcohol issue, something to keep in mind is that alcohol isn't the best choice for anyone with IBD. Any fermented beverage is likely to play hell with the GI tract, give all of those nasty critters a real feast to gorge on... and it weakens/destroys the protective mucous lining of the GI tract.
Having said that, unless one follows the path of total abstinence, my 'gut' instinct is that the occasional drink with it won't kill you, unless you show signs of liver failure or impairment. you wanna risk it, you go right ahead. its your life. But I'm not your doctor, and if your doctor advises you not to, you got the choice to listen to he/she OR not. But if not, why are you going to him/her? And are you paying for this advice that you are opting not to take? Think that pretty well sums up your options. it's your choice