Can You Feel Your Inflammation?

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Sep 4, 2013
Two weeks after stopping Prednisone I think I am having a set back. This is the third day of having moderate abdominal pain. I can feel my area just below my sternum feel very "tight" and puffy. Does anyone else ever feel their inflammation?

I am depressed in that I had hoped 6 weeks on Humira would help. Called my Doc and he's hoping its just spasms. Now taking Levsin 2 tabs twice a day. I am refusing to start back up on Prednisone. If the abdominal pain doesn't subside he wants to do a CT scan...:(
I don't know about being able to feel my inflammation. But, when I'm in a bad flare I can feel my stomach flexing (sort of like you're flexing your hand to a fist and back) at times. Hopefully things start calming down for you. :hug:
Erm I'm not really sure, I can feel a "lump" on my left side above my hip, maybe that's inflammation I dunno.... Either way I hope you start feeling better soon x
I can definitely feel my inflammation. My sed rate and CRP were completely normal at my last round of blood test. But I could still feel this 'spot' in my lower right abdomen (I have CD in my ileum.) I had a colonoscopy and everything was mostly cleared up except a 1cm ulcer. I went on entocort, and the pain went away. Once I started tapering came back.

So it's cool that I can feel the spot, so I know when to treat. But it's concerning to me that my blood work was completely fine, because that seems to be the only thing my doc cares about.
You probably can, since the pain in crohn's disesase is probably coming from the inflammatory cytokine signaling the brain. If that's true, you can directly "feel" your level of inflammation.

It wouldn't be completely reliable I guess, since you would still give your own interpretation to the signals, some people are in great pain but pretend they're fine, even though they get the signals, they aren't honest to themselves.

Also, there are things like endorphins in the body, that can counter intense pain, but I don't think they are very effective in crohn's disease, since the pain is so chronic, endorphins are supposed to act during short intense pains to keep you thinking straight, since in the past and in animals it signified a danger or imminent attack from another animal, it helps you focus if the pain is lowered.
I feel pressure in my TI area when it is inflammed. And I also feel the pressure in near my rectum and sigmoid colon, too.
Is your crohn's disease in your colon?

No terminal ileum. But I feel a lot of pressure around my mid section below my rib cage. So I may have some inflammation higher up in the small intestine I'm thinking. Or maybe it's just referred pain/ tightness.
Mine is in the same place, and I rarely feel pain all the way up there. It's always lower right quadrant.
When I'm flaring or think I'm flaring, and my abdominal hurts, the bottom right part of my tummy gets kinda stiff like there's a lump and when I try to press it, it's really painful. So I think that is the inflammation. :( However, when I did my colonoscopy everything shows that it's normal. Which confused me, cause I still get pain and symptoms? I think you should go get it checked out.
Well the Levisin pills help. But like this morning I have a constant dull ache with tenderness on the right.

I'm going to try and wait it out and hope this Humira kicks in. I am not going back on Pred unless I'm hospitalized.

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My Crohn's is severe in my TI and mild in my colon. I have pain on my lower right side and just below my ribcage on the right that sometimes wraps around to my back. I don't actually feel a lump or hardening of the area, but I do have a belly!
I am having a colonoscopy and EGD today. I am very curious to see what the Dr finds!

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