Cause for concern?

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Jan 23, 2016
Hello. I'm new here, and here's my issues.

I have been injecting 40 mg of Humira every other week since November and for the most part, it's been going well. I haven't had any pain or blood, and my nausea has been kept to a minimum.

However, I still have urgent bowel movements, frequent bowel movements, diarrhea, and frequent acid reflux. I've been told that Humira takes some time to take effect, and while I'm patient, I've never really been able to get answers on whether or not I should expect those symptoms to lessen or go away and how long I can expect it to take. I am wondering what other people's experiences with this have been. For what it's worth, I've been prescribed Mercaptopurine in a 50 mg daily pill on a temporary basis to help out the Humira.

Also, I'm using the injector pen and might have an issue with it. I'm following the instructions, but when I pull the pin away from my stomach area, there's always a drop or two that drips down my skin. I know 40 mg isn't a huge amount to begin with, and losing any amount of the medication makes me nervous. I've spoken to a pharmacist on the phone about this, and she said it's normal, but I am a little nervous about it.

Thanks for any replies.
I have never been on Humira yet but I am sure that someone will come along soon who had been. Welcome.
When you inject it, count to 10 before you pull it away from your skin. I never had any drops run down my skin if I did that. Stick with it, it can take up to 6 months to properly kick in.
I have been on mine for nearly 1 1/2 years and I still get the same symptoms as you mentioned...urgency, the diarrhea, frequency, and the acid reflux. I also get the bleeding off and on and c-diff. Having issues now with most of those. I have never really fully understood either.

My GI tried Imuran to use along with the Humira but I developed complications through it

As far as the drops coming out, I agree with Salad_Shooter. Keep it in for a few extra seconds to allow time for it all to go in. I use the syringe and occasionally the same happens to me. But I don't think a drop or two will matter that much.

My GI stated that it does take up to 3 months for remission with Humira. Don't get too discouraged. I am sure it will smooth out for you soon! God bless!
I concur with everyone else. I started humira a couple months ago. I inject in my leg, but I've never had problems with drops. I have a couple thoughts:

(1) Make sure you are keeping the pen pressed down. Your impulse, once the injection starts, will be to pull the painful object away. Make sure you keep it pressed down for the duration of the injection

(2) As others have said, make sure you keep it down for about 10 seconds. My pen makes a whooshing sound when it is complete, but I always hold it down a second or two longer

I was on 6mp a year longer than humira. I still had trouble bleeding. I've been bleeding for about a decade, but the bleeding stopped after about a month of humira. So, I would say it worked quickly for me, but most of my symptoms were already under control due to being on 6mp so long.

Good luck

Edit: Just so you know, mercaptopurine can take 2-3 months to start working. I don't know about humira.