Celiac and crohns?

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Sep 7, 2011
How do they tell the difference between celiac and crohns? is it by biopsies and bloods? 3 years down the line and I still question things. Im sure I read symtoms are very similar, i find myself lying in bed worrying incase it was celiac n not crohns and was he tested for celiac when he was in hospital? Im just being paranoid as he had all the tests done but us parents still worry, constant! xx
The biopsies would be different on the damage seen at the cellular level as well as where.
You can have both but the pathology or biopsy slides are the key.
I know most of us wish it was celiac since that is an "easy" fix- no harsh drugs needed.
Make sure you get copies of the pathology reports and blood work
Reading those always help.
We also tried gluten free just in case for a bit -no relief for DS .
Next appointment to Kians team i will ask about the reports, i wonder if our family GP could get them quicker? ive also just rang his team in Glasgow( 137miles away from where we live) about the results of his calprotectin test that we sent away 3 weeks ago, i hope we get some results today, feeling pretty anxious today :( xx
My son was dx with both Celiac and Crohn's's at the same time. He had been having stomach aches and eventually uncontrollable BM's.

We started with lab work that indicated Celiac. His tTG score came back at 72 and normal, or negative, is less than 3. Due to the lab work, his GI ordered scopes to confirm the Celiac. Crohn's wasn't even on my radar. Sort of the opposite of your situation. The scopes visually showed blunted villi and also lots of inflammation throughout. Biopsies came back confirming Celiac and also, much to my surprise, Crohn's.

We started the GF diet the afternoon of the scopes and had a brand new little boy three days later. Going gluten free kept the Crohn's at bay for almost three years. When the vomiting started we thought it was gluten, but unfortunately, it was the Crohn's finally making an appearance.

I would difinately ask if a Celiac panel has ever been run (and if not, request one) and also if they ever observed blunted villi during scopes. I've had one GI tell me you can't have both diseases, while another told me it's less than a 10% chance, and now our current GI is wondering if he was misdiagnosed and wants to do a gluten challenge. No thanks. If you want him tested, just expect mixed messages.

The symptoms of both diseases are identical except Crohn's sometimes adds a fever. We've had to be super strict with the GF diet just so we can rule out gluten whenever DS starts experiencing symptoms. I'd take Celiac over Crohn's in a heartbeat!

Good luck!
Oh I'm so there with you.:hug:
I keep saying maybe it's just EGID for Grace.
I've debated this with the GI more than one time.
I always lose.:(

Hugs to you. Your doing a great job with him
I know with my two pathology, either with scopes or surgery, has always tested for coeliac so I imagine this would be standard.

If you have a copy of the report ours states in the summary what it is found to be positive and negative.

Dusty. xxx

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