Change from Budesonide to Biologic Already?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 14, 2017
Hi- i'm new to this site and relatively new to CD. I was dx with mild-moderate Crohn's in 2014 at the Mayo Clinic. Main symptoms were endless canker sores (not cold sores) since age 12 with a variety of other less common Crohn's symptoms that culminated in terminal ileum ulcers at age 42 and a diagnosis. I've been off and on budesonide since then which worked wonders for the first year and a half but is now not very effective. Stomach and mouth issues have been returning. My new, local GI is now recommending I go to a biologic, Humira or Remicade. But this feels like a big ramp up in medications, and I am concerned about the, while unlikely, very scary possible side effects of these drugs. I would like to know what other medications people with mild-moderate CD have used and in what order. Do I have any other options before jumping to Biologics?

Thank you.
It seems you are being directed to the usual course of treatment and both Remicade and Humira can work wonders for some in bringing crohns into remission.
Have you talked to your GI about all of this..they are usually very helpful
I can understand you reaching out to others and that's a good idea also.
Feel better soon
An intermediate step in between the light touch of budesonide and the heavy artillery of biologics might be an immunosuppressant such as azathioprine of methotrexate. Talk to your doctor to see whether either of those might be appropriate for your to try.