Chemical Sensitivity and Crohns

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Jun 7, 2016
I was wondering if anyone else here links their crohns to a chemical allergy or has one, or even knows of any research connecting the two?

I have had a lifelong allergy to formaldehyde which only became a real problem last year when i moved into a flat full of it, so couldnt just move away from it as usual. The year began with the usual symptoms of skin cracking and swelling with fatigue, but my health continued to deteriorate and weight loss began until I was diagnosed with crohns a year on.

I took some costly action to reduce formaldehyde gases in the living spaces and began steroid treatment and was feeling normal again until this past week I moved house and began painting the walls, not realizing that paint is especially full of formaldehyde. Before long my skin enflamed again but then by surprise the crohns returned.

So now im wondering if there is a link and whether anyone else has such allergies. Its left me hopeful that maybe removing formaldehyde might be a solution to the crohns but also worried that my neurological symptoms might not just be mineral deficiencies...
I had previously suggested it to doctors as for the first several months of illness i thought the inflammation was just part of an ongoing system wide allergic reaction, but most of the doctors thought this was pretty much rubbish, as it may be. After that i sort of assumed the physiological stress of a year long allergic reaction was just the trigger for crohns or it perhaps exhausted my immune system leading to it.

So whether the crohns is actually an allergic response or a separate illness flared by the allergy im sure it will do me well to take measures and redo my paint. Ill take steroids again if needed to dampen this flare then see if i can get by fine with no meds so long as i avoid formaldehyde (which is hard). Ill probably be feeling like an idiot in a couple of months for this wishful thinking.

An article which turned me to this idea is here:
Oh no that was never my intention, i believe fully that the best course with crohns is to trust medical practice and not rely too much on 'organic or alternative therapies'. I was more suggesting that seen as i was previously tapering off budesonide well, that perhaps i can get there again but not mess it up this time.

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