Childish people annoy me...

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Apr 21, 2009
childish people annoy me...

You know i really hate it when you need to go to the bathroom in school and if someone comes in they have to announce that it smells bad in the bathroom. i mean come on it IS a bathroom and everyone poo's so im sure theirs doesnt smell good. i just really hate it when people do this its childish. does anyone else get this a lot? its so bad in centrali will do my best to not go in school period, which ive gotten good at but sometimes you cant help it and its just down right embarrising! does anyone have any advise for this type of thing, not like there is really much you can do about it...
yup. happened to me plenty.

people take for granted the fact that they have the choice to either go in public or hold it until theyre in the privacy of their own homes. ALL of my friends refuse to poop in public. im like "wow you guys have a choice in this and you dont even realize what a luxury that is."
so therefore, all these people can freely complain about public places smelling like poo, because THEIR poo only stinks up their houses.

advice? ignore them. say "it was ME!" or pretend it wasnt you. spray some air freshener. buy some poo-pourri!!(im going to hehe :D)
but most of all---ignore them. they have the luxury of picking the final resting place of their poops. we dont. case closed.
haha. this made me remember this one time...

i was at my locker putting something away and a girl i know was at hers, right next to me. I REALLY had to fart, so I let out a little tiny bit of gas accidentally. of course it smelled awful. the other girl started wrinkling her nose and looking at me out of the corner of her eye, so I said "Wow, something smells really bad all of a sudden." then she went "oh i know" and started fanning the air. i fooled her into thinking it WASN'T me!
Sometimes it's just easier to deal with things if you are childish about them.

I was in the family room alone the other night and I had just let a bomb go. My brother-in-law walked in so I had no choice but to tattle on myself. I go "Look out - someone just dropped a bomb in here." He knew it was me obviously - but I gave him a warning to he could get lost.

At work we only have 2 private toilets on our hallway, one men's and one women's. If I have just stunk it up and someone is waiting when I come out I will say "You do NOT want to go in there!!"
I taped a sign over the men's door that says "Men OR Women" because there are so few men on our hallway, that way people at least have an option to go into the other one if the first one is stinky.

I JUST thought about this thread at work cuz a kindergartener just farted, and all of the kids giggled of course. I let the kids hide their noses in the front of their shirts until the coast is clear. We still continue with the lesson with our faces half hid, and giggling a bit - it's just hard to ignore a fart!

So no - I guess I don't have any advice for you. Everybody poops!
I just yell back - "You should smell it in here!" I used to be a lot more uptight about it but now I couldn't care less. When you gotta doo you gotta do what you gotta do.
I just yell out something like, Yeah i was at your moms last night Man she can't cook.... or something even more derogitory. (spelling?)
HA! thats great i should totally do that...but then it may make them try an fight me and thats not a very good thing...never been in a fight before so i would prob loose lol
No, Spoon, you say "you're right, I just noticed that odor, how long have you been in here?"