Chinese/Alternative medicine

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Oct 1, 2010
Hi everyone,

Do any of you know of or have tried any Chinese/alternative therapies as a part of your Crohn's treatment? If so, what are they/did they work.

I'm getting to the stage where I am willing to give anything a go and I'd be really interested to hear from you guys on this subject. I've read about acupuncture but don't know anyone who has given it a go. I'm also interested in herbal treatments and if they have helped you or anyone you now.


Hi winemaker, I AM A BIG FAN OF 'ALTERNATIVE' TREATMENTS AS OPPOSED TO MAINSTREAM MEDICINE - UNINTENTIONAL CAPITALS HERE! I am taking various supplements under a very good naturopath and am sure they have been more help than any medicines and with no side effects. Even nutritionally it can help to get some of the needed nutrients in. I have had and benefited from acupuncture but with shoulder pain as opposed to Crohn's
I have also seen several different homeopathic docs and came away with a few good therapies that have worked (albeit intermittently) for me:

Peppermint Tea (or anything with true essence of peppermint) soothing to the intestine, helps stop diarrhea.
Chamomile Tea again very soothing as it goes thru, calming to the nerves, it is a natural diuretic so great if you are suffering constipation.
Mangosteen Juice (Xango) could not try because it does have blood thinning properties and doc warned me off, but have heard great things about this.
Probiotics - took about 8/day at first, then slowly reduced, worked to relieve major symptoms, but eventually stopped working. Since then I have heard that you need to switch out which probiotic you take as your body adjusts (like switching shampoo every 3 mths), but I have not found another that works as well yet.

I always, always, always, check with my reg Gastro doc before taking any supplements. Keeps him up to date on the latest and helps maintain my safety.

Good luck!
I'm debating whether or not to try these:


I'm a big believer in Qi-gong but I'm not sure if this is a con or real!


My wife has moderate/severe Crohns and she swears that accupressure is the key to her survival. She went to see an accupuncturist who told her which points to press for her small intestine and has made marks on her body to help her locate these points.

She uses a massager to press on these points a few times a day and swears that it has an immediate effect on how she feels. The doctors were surprised that during her last flair-up when she used accupressure, hew white blood count went down drastically in such a short amount of time and she feels much better.

Good luck to everyone,