Well, sorry it took so long to update afterwards today ~ I needed a bit of time to process and think I guess. :shifty: (and maybe have a cocktail
So, I was right for the most part ... she is not in remission, and her Crohn's is back. :voodoo:
However, it is (mild).
With the colonoscopy they found several ulcers, and (mild) inflammation in whats left of her ileum and the beginning of her colon (or..what used to be the beginning of her colon, and the part that is attached to where it used to be now).
With her upper endoscopy that was actually a bit worse. There is (mild) inflammation in her esophagus and duodenum and stomach. There were also several superficial ulcers throughout these areas. However, they do not believe from a visual aspect that this is "Crohn's" just yet. A rather large area of her stomach was quite red and inflamed. They took several biopsies from these areas to be sure, but none from the lower areas as they "know" it is Crohn's there.
With her stomach and esophagus being such a mess they are testing for H Pylori as well as Barrett's Esophogas because there is significant damage. Her nurse said its "not awful", but still concerning of course, and that they are really glad that they decided to go ahead with the upper endoscopy at last minute.
So...and I'm trying to keep this "short" LOL, the new game plan is:
first thing we wait for the biopsy results which should be in by Thursday next week at latest.
If the results show H Pylori then they will start her on treatment for that and see if her symptoms resolve.
If it does not, then they want to start a 3 month taper of Entocort. She said that she should start to see some improvement in her symptoms within 2 weeks time. Gabrielle literally burst into tears when she heard this ~ it broke my heart. I can't blame her after all she went through, and all of the horrible side effects she experienced with Prednisone. The nurse tried to reassure her that there is only a 10% chance that she will experience similar side effects with the Entocort as she did with Prednisone, but in Gab's defense, she's gonna need to see it to believe it ! :voodoo:
IF the Entocort seems to be relieving her symptoms THEN they want to try doubling up the dose of Cimzia along with it ~ meaning full doses every two weeks instead of once a month (not half dose every two weeks). That scares the S*&T out of me ! :shifty: Like these biologics aren't scary enough with their "normal" doses , now they want to double the dose for her ? :blush:
Then after the 3 month taper, and the double Cimzia, if things still aren't right then they will definitely switch her to a new biologic.
I can see why they want to try the combo of Entocort and Cimzia before they discontinue and give up ~ I mean honestly , there aren't many choices left for Gab after this. Her body and disease just don't seem to respond and we're running out of options so since she saw some good progress at one point with the Cimzia they're just not ready to completely give up yet.
Trust me when I tell you I asked plenty of questions because of my concern here with basically a "trial" once again ~ but really, what choice do we have ?
I just want my girl to feel better again, and for more than a couple of days. I'm really starting to get discouraged, and a bit defeated ~
I'll pick myself up again for her tho I PROMISE ~ Crohn's will NOT WIN !!