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Sep 11, 2013
I am sick of being limited with my weight because of this disease, i have diet and everything but i make little gains then boom they go, i need a bigger kick, i have easy safe access and knowledge should i?

If you think i shouldnt give me a good reason other than my health and a solution on how to gain weight.

I went from ripped 71kg then got crohns went down to 50kg. and im at 60kg now nothing is working.
I'm not sure I understand your post, but I think you're saying you want to build muscle but can't because of your Crohn's, and that you're considering taking steroids in order to change this?

As a very unfit female I know nothing about bodybuilding, but I certainly know a lot about not being able to gain weight due to illness. Why is your health not a good enough reason not to take steroids? I'm not criticising you, I know I sometimes reach points where I just feel like my health is a lost cause anyway, but I'm interested why you are prepared to take risks to build muscle. It's a health problem that is preventing you from achieving what you want in the first place, it doesn't make much sense to risk developing further health problems.

As for another way to gain weight - the obvious one is to get your disease under control. Are you absorbing nutrients properly? If not, what treatment options (medications, surgery, etc.) have you tried and have you told your doctors about your weight problems? Is appetite a problem? Again, getting your disease and symptoms under control is the major issue here. If your disease is active, it's going to hinder your attempts to be fit and healthy whether you take steroids or not.

But unfortunately sometimes having an illness does limit what we can do. Having physical limitations or problems with our bodies that we can't change is pretty much a definition of having a physical illness. If you can't achieve the physical appearance you desire, are there other goals you would like to achieve, maybe other goals relating to fitness, that you are attainable even with Crohn's disease?
It's not a good idea for a healthy person and you already have health complications.

"Anabolic steroids come with serious physical side effects as well.

Men may develop:

Prominent breasts
Shrunken testicles

Both men and women might experience:

Severe acne
Increased risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture
Liver abnormalities and tumors
Increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol)
Decreased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol)
High blood pressure (hypertension)
Heart and circulatory problems
Prostate gland enlargement
Aggressive behaviors, rage or violence
Psychiatric disorders, such as depression
Drug dependence
Infections or diseases such as HIV or hepatitis if you're injecting the drugs
Inhibited growth and development, and risk of future health problems in teenagers"
There have been a few guys on the forum in the past that have had the same issues as you TestTyrone. From what I recall they have used protein powders to achieve what you too are wanting.

One member that I can think of off the top of my head is Bobby Parker. He hasn't been active on the forum for a while but this is his profile page...

...go into his statistics and you will find his posts.

Also put protein powders into the search function and it will pull up all the old threads with loads of info and experience about the different ones.

Dusty. xxx
Hi TestTyrone. :) Just checking to see how you're doing.

It can take time to get back to a desired weight after a flare. Once you're in remission then you should be able to get back to the weight you'd like to be at without having to try something that's potentially harmful. Keep us posted on how you're doing. :)
Hey Jennifer!

I am so happy that rectogesic is working like magic! I am in minimal pain! And i have bought some protein supplements to try for weight managment!
Good to hear you got some supplements, please do let us know how you make out with those.

How is your health otherwise right now? Remember, that is the important thing - because if your health isn't the greatest, it can negate any work you are doing to try to bulk up.
Steroids aren't dangerous at all if used correctly. With my metabolism steroids are the reason I haven't shrunk down to 9 stone since I got diagnosed with crohns.

Growth hormone has been proven to aid getting into remission as well as maintaining. Nandrolone is anti inflammatory and is low on side effects and will put weight on you.

For me tren makes a huge difference when trying to hold into weight when I'm flared and calorie intake is low.

What I would say though is stay away from UGL where possible due to the BB content. Human grade is cleaner and not much more expensive. Avoid orals where possible as they can be harsh on the digestive system and the liver if on medication.

PM me if you want mate as I have used extensively and competed. Crohns is a pain for bodybuilding but iv met a lot of great guys who continue to do so with crohns or UC and learnt a hell of a lot. Diet adjustments will make a huge difference if volume is an issue (calorie dense foods).

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