A Ashwani Vaishnavi Joined Mar 22, 2015 Messages 5 Jun 29, 2017 #1 I get frequent cold sores, i was diagonised with crohns 8 years back, have been on Azaron/ imuran , has any body suffers this problem Ashwani Vaishnavi
I get frequent cold sores, i was diagonised with crohns 8 years back, have been on Azaron/ imuran , has any body suffers this problem Ashwani Vaishnavi
C Chips Joined Jun 13, 2012 Messages 3 Jun 29, 2017 #2 Hi Ashwani, I get them too. Mostly on my lower. Inner lip. I swish some lidocaine rinse around in my mouth when it hurts. Works pretty good. Just another symptom of Crohns.
Hi Ashwani, I get them too. Mostly on my lower. Inner lip. I swish some lidocaine rinse around in my mouth when it hurts. Works pretty good. Just another symptom of Crohns.
A Ashwani Vaishnavi Joined Mar 22, 2015 Messages 5 Jun 30, 2017 #3 Thanks chip, how often you get these mouth sores?mine are cold sores appearing every month on my outer lips Ashwani Vaishnavi
Thanks chip, how often you get these mouth sores?mine are cold sores appearing every month on my outer lips Ashwani Vaishnavi
A a.velter Joined Jul 11, 2017 Messages 3 Jul 11, 2017 #4 Since starting Humira I started getting them regularly. My Dr. Put me on a daily maintenance dose of Valtrex and it so far has kept them at bay.
Since starting Humira I started getting them regularly. My Dr. Put me on a daily maintenance dose of Valtrex and it so far has kept them at bay.