Colitis and can't sit

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Aug 28, 2010

I am Cyndy, 53yo female living in beautiful Puget Sound, Washington State.

So in mid-April 2010 I had a flare up of what I assumed was a dormant pilonidal cyst, which is a cyst on the bottom of your tailbone. It never came to the surface and seemed to tunnel inside. Maybe I am wrong about that, maybe I mistook sensations of the pilonidal and it was Ulcerative Colitis all along.

In any event, I started getting weird sensations in the buttock area, like something taking up space, extreme pressure, like something big wants to pop, dull achy pain, about a 7 on the stress level, a couple steps down from crying out in pain. The pain is constant 24 hours a day.

It's warm back/down there. At one point I felt some "squishy" when I attempted to sit, that freaked me out so I took some Chlorine Dioxide to kill infection. No idea if that worked but the squishy did go away. Then I got C-Diff from taking Clindamycin for what the Dr and I thought was a Pilonidal Cyst, and I got referred to a Gastro Dr who did the MRI and diagnosed the Ulcerative Colitis...

When I try to sit, I feel what I want to call "lines" and "lumps" and it feels like it's pushing up and there is no room "up". I have to use a fluffy pillow and a "neck pillow" with the opening to the back to sit. I can't sit at all without those pillows, and I have a difficult time sitting with the pillows for longer than 10 minutes.

I have/had a desk job. I work at the computer all day, or did. I have applied for State Medical Assistance since I have no insurance.

I had never heard of Colitis making it difficult for someone to sit, this is incredible news to me. Certainly with a pilonidal cyst I can understand this, but is this common with Colitis in the Rectal area? I nearly called the Dr's office nurse a liar over this.

I joined this forum because I entered:

Colitis "can't sit"

...into Google and the 5th result was a thread that I can't link to because I have made less than 15 posts. The thread was at this forum and I was viewing it unregistered in the "Google Cache" view, an old Google Researcher trick...

Here is the post that came up in the search for

Colitis and "can't sit"

I am 47 yo male and one of those unspecific Colitis/Crohns people. Was told since 1990 I have UC, Asakol and Pred with Rowasa enema pretty much managed it all these years. Last year started having more extra intestinal issues - hip pain, abscess, fistula. Have been in terrible mental and body pain since first fistula surgery in July of 09 - failed fistula plug, 3 hosp stay, 2 c-diff's, fistulatomy in Oct 09 - still healing, fissure, skin tag. Most of my pain is in my rectum/anus, some belly pain, no dria. Leaking after BM. Can't sit longer then 15 min, my job is a desk job, so I am on long term disability - thank GOD for my wife support! Remicade was ok for 2 infusions, got reaction on the 3d. Pill cam test was clear, prometius test positive with Crohn's with UC features. Anyone here with the same diagnosis? Went to see a top Crohn's doc at a local teaching hospital - U of Penn. Dr. name is Gary Lichtenstein. More tests coming...I hate this disease!

...with someone discussing having a form of Colitis and not being able to sit.

I am here to discover the answers to these questions:

-----Is this not being able to sit a symptom of Ulcerative Colitis?
-----If so, how common is it?
-----What can be done? -- I have already lost one job and you can't waltz into a job interview with 2 pillows for a job interview. Plus, who wants to hire someone in pain, I mean this is constant. It hurts all the time. My only relief is sleep, and it's hard to go to sleep.

On top of that, now my right hip has started hurting. so bad I can barely walk. I have had surgery on that hip and normally it does not hurt unless the temperature in close to freezing, but this is mid summer. There is no reason for it.

I'm going to poke around some more and see if I can find any cases similar to mine.

Thank you for reading my story.
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Hi Cyndy...I am sure someone will be along to get your post in the right spot real soon.
In the mean time...have you seen a physician yet? If not, you should, in order to rule out an abcess or other serious infection. My 1st abcess landed me in the hospital for emergency surgery because I did not get good medical attention in time.
Good luck!!!
Hi Lynnwood,
Welcome!!!!!!!!! I can not answer your question but I am sure someone with experince in this area will be along to give you some advice on your problem. As for posting you can post in the general thread now that you posted in the welcome/story thread.
You will find lots of advice and support here. I hope you stick around.
Yes, I have seen a Dr. -- my diagnosis by MRI was a week ago. Before that I was seen by a Dr for what we thought was the pilonidal that never surfaced. Maybe it is both. Anyway, that Dr gave me Clindamycin for that and that gave me C-Diff and that landed me in the Emergency Room exploding with blood. The followup Dr for that episode, I asked him to help in regards to not being able to sit. He ordered the MRI to rule out Perirectal Abscess and it came back as Ulcerative Colitis, near the rectum is what they said.

So yes, I have seen a Dr but they will not talk to me again till I finish the Flagyl for the C-Diff, which will be gone Monday. In the meantime, I am wondering if this is a symptom of Colitis.
to me, it really REALLY sounds like you have a fistula that has not surfaced.

and as you have been dx'd with UC...that may mean you actually have crohns. i dont think fistulas form with UC so if thats what it is...then who knows.

if youre not sure what a fistula is, ill be glad to explain but i wont banter on about it assuming you dont know haha =]

but yes what your describing sounds totally similar to the experiences ive had with my butt area...and it starts out achey....then over time gets very intense yes? what does the spot feel like? can you actually feel exactly what/where hurts?
fistulas (prior to opening) for me always felt very firm, with a soft spot in the center. painful to touch, and shooting pains even when not touched.

hope this helps?

Well, the MRI was fairly conclusive, Ulcerative Colitis. In the office exam he said there was no Rectal Fistula. And I am certain they didn't mention a fistula on the phone when I called and asked them for the MRI results.

I know what a fistula is because I had a rectal/vaginal fistula from childbirth. That was repaired in 1984 and was not from Colitis -- a Dr didn't sew my episiotmy right.

Are you thinking of a fistula in the colon to the abdominal cavity? Or from the cavity to the outside of my body in the pilonidal area. A Perirectal Abscess has been ruled out by the MRI.

No shooting pains here (yet!), just an incredible pressure, painful dull ache. Like a throb that never wanes. Goes all around my pelvic floor. Feels lumpy and like there is something IN THERE when I try to sit. Hurts all the time even when not trying to sit.

When I go in to the Dr next I want to be armed with knowledge and ask the right questions. I want my life back, and this is turning into a mystery, especially with the advent of the pain in my hip. Wow, I can barely walk.
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Wow roundtuit, you have my regards in what you have been through. I have read about the Perirectal Abscess while I was waiting for the MRI results and that indeed sounds terrible. I can't imagine three times.

gypsigirl28 - I plan on sticking around as this is the closest I have come to answers yet!
Hi Cyndy, welcome to the forum!! I don't know if it'll help but there is a thread about donut cushions here:

The gel seat that SilverMoon mentions sounds promising or Joan's cheap solution!! It wouldn't solve your problem but it may buy you a little relief. Good luck!!

BTW, go to Games Galore in the Anything Goes section and play word association for about ten minutes to build up your post count, then you can do anything you need to on here!!!
Hi lynn and :welcome:

I'm sorry I can't answer your questions but you have found a place that has loads of friendly people and plenty of support and info. I hope you find the answers you need and soon have relief. Welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Hi Cyndy
and welcome

sorry I can't help with this, but I have bum pain, dunno if it's cos of frequency but I found something called levator ani syndrome.

have a read thro this, interestingly, it mentions that it feels like you're sitting on a ball inside you?

glad you found us, lots of friends here for you.
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Cyndy,
Welcome to our forum!
I was diagnosed 1n 1995 with colitis, did MRI, CT, you name it, to figure our the pain in my tailbone area, bleeding, etc. few yeas later, a different gi determined I had crohn's colitis, so what kello was suggesting above its a possibility. In my case, it turned out to be an abscess which was treated with antibiotics for few months.
I hope your pain subsides soon and you find the reason.