surely if you had the illness you would be getting at least some diarhhea no? is it possible to have a flare up and no diarhoea? does diarhoea mean watery stools or unformed? because im sure many people have unformed stool and this could be normal
My son has Crohn's it was most severe in his small intestine at the ileo cecal valve but did have some inflammation in the colon. He was completely asymptomatic as far as pain and there was no disturbance in his bowel movements, normal once a day or every other day. This was not indicative of the active disease going on in his GI tract.
His blood work is not a good indicator of active inflammation but fecal calprotectin has been.
His highest fecal calprotectin was 1700 so a definite flare. At one point it got down to 300 which would suggest simmering inflammation which was also verified by a colonoscopy and MRE done at the same time. Since his meds were unable to fully take care of the inflammation he had a resection.
He had no symptoms before the surgery but remission isn't determined by absence of symptoms since inflammation can still be doing damage with no symptoms present.
This test is a good first step tool. GIs will certainly want to investigate further if you have a result that falls out of the norm like 200 but if it comes back under 50 then the GI may not be apt to order further testing such as scopes or imaging.