Colitis & Crohn's Disease to be classed as a Disability!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 18, 2012
Colitis & Crohn's Disease to be classed as a Disability!

Responsible department: Department of Health

The Government should recognise Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease as disabilities and become more aware of the daily problems that these conditions present to sufferers.
More and more facilities are available in Shopping Centres where parking can be debilitating when access is swiftly required to conveniences.
With the classification of disability, sufferers of these conditions can, without stigma or ridicule, park in disabled bays where there always seems to be availability when out in public places.
Even a different type of coloured badge would be of benefit to inform Council Operatives (Traffic Wardens, Parking Attendants) and others like Shopping Centre Security, etc.


Hope I am not breaking any rules, if I am please delete this post, but it is important, it's a common goal I think we should all share.

The link I can provide later, if the admins think it's ok

Petition created by - David Graham Richard Brough
Closing - 2/2/2013 @ 08:07 am

WE NEED TO SUPPORT THIS PETITION, 100,000 UK SIGNATURES, NEEDED If you know any UK residents please help pass this on BIG THANK YOU.
Hell yeah, i'm with you. Our disease effects our entire lives and it should be bought to attention
Unity - YOU ARE NOT ALONE - keep your mind focused and your pain at bay :)

cannot post links yet, but go Direct Gov - E Petitions to find it :)
Why don't you introduce yourself in the Your Story forum as well buckers :)
Also I would like it to be mandatory for shops to let us use their toilets ;)
You have to see the bigger picture, it's not all about a rest room card, I am a member for NACC, I rang them they didnt return my call.
It's all about awareness, nothing will change unless everyone knows about IBD and IBS this will do a lot for awareness if we get 100,000 people in power have to sit up and take notice.
brt NACC and a lot of high profile people are following my twitters.
same as before

We need unity, strengh, Courage and above all Hope! please do your best
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Would just like to say it's nice for a forum to have some energy, but it will be hard to get the petitions to 100,000 but we Crohn's suffers are strong, tenacious people with the mind set of WE WILL NOT BE BEATEN, DESPITE IT ALL.

so go forward and explain this condition until people have heard enough, and more than that tell yourself you need help, because if you don't no one will get it for you.

don't be passive, drugs , diet , toilet, pain, cramps, depression the list goes on we have to raise up and be counted, 1.8 million Amercan's suffer, 1 - 250 in this county are suffering, and many many more undignosed.

watch Marie Carrie U Tube Video here is the link , a dentist spotted her Crohn's what does that say and let me tell you it's not changed much because we have low priority!

My last post really tired, I spent the last 3 weeks setting up the following

Facebook Page
Facebook Group
I never really used social networking before, I am a care worker for people with learning difficulties, I can no longer do that job, because my current health status is unknown despite 5 years and 3 hospital stays in the last 4 months, my Crohn's is undecteable by blood sample it has come to light recently.
I need rest I am so tired lost 3 stones in the past 3 years!
Actually there was a big thing in parliament in January see here - so I do know it's about more than a "restroom" card- wow that's a very American term to use, I don't hear it much in the UK!
I don't live in the UK. But, I'm printing out this info for my pharmacy friend at work to see! He's interested to see anything new that I research or find out. Thanks for the info:)
I have a feeling that I'm going to be able to get quite a few signatures from my brothers and sisters at work for this:) However, mine will be all on paper. Is there a place where I'll be able to send it once it's all signed? It's also been said that they'd be willing to sign ones to help Canada and the US if we also happen to try for the same thing. Hopefully all will go well:)
Just wanted to let you guys know. I sent an email to the CCFA here in the US attatching the info about your petition and asking about if we here can send the signatures to help you out. Or, if we might be able to start a similar thing here. I'm hoping that we'll be able to eventually help each other in the UK, Canada and the US with this even with paper signatures:) Will keep you updated on what I find out.
I'm glad to hear this being done somewhere. I don't understand how it is not already recognized as a disability. I just think if I could have a month of rest and just doing a liquid diet or something, maybe my body would really have a chance to heal. Are people from the US allowed to sign the petition for the UK? I was under the impression in reading it that the signatures needed were those of UK residents. Let me know, I'll sign anything if it will help.
Hi, what a great idea. I've signed it and I have e-mailed everyone in my Contacts and asked then to do the same. If we all did this we could get to that target quicker than you think.....
Haven't heard anything yet from the CCFA here in the US. Might have to send something to my local chapter here in WA to get a response and will do that when I get the chance.
I bet there's a local chapter by me. I've never looked into it. I can see. What exactly are you sending them? If you let me know I can send it to mine too.
Here is the email I sent both the regular CCFA and my local chapter one. Just added my name on top of this. Feel free to use it if you wish. Hope this helps:) Lisa

Dear Sirs/Madams,

I am part of a Crohn's forum and have been told that some of my members in the UK are obtaining signatures for a petition to be classed as a disability in order to make things easier to use bathrooms. I am obtaining what signatures I can on my own on paper and was wondering if you might know if I'll be able to use these to help them out. Or, if it's possible that we might somehow be able to use these to start a similar type thing here in the U.S.? If I can send these signatures to those in the UK or to you, would you please let me know of an address I could eventually send them to? I am adding the website for you to be able to see and read.

Thank you for your time.
It's an E petition, they have just confirm there email address, but if can get 100,000 hand written ones, hand them into your local mp.
otherwise not really much point, they will not accept them :)
Tried to sign that epetition and would have gotten more. But, unfortunately it won't let me because I don't live in the UK. Sorry:( Will wait to hear from the CCFA here at home and hopefully we can get something going here if enough of us ask our chapters.

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