Colonoscopy on Monday

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Feb 22, 2011
I have managed to put this off for about a year and a half as I told the doctor at the time I really didn't want it especially after all the tests i'd had done which all came out, 'possible crohns.' I felt that having another test that was as horrendous sounding at this, just to tell me at the end it was possible crohns.. i really didn't want.
Well fast forward about a year, i have a fistula they believe, no-one can work out where its linking too from my bladder... so they need to know if a) this is crohns (there going to do biopsys whilst i am there) and b)whether its in my large intestine, i'm praying it not because i am 100% super terrified of having a bag, but know with my luck with my health recently it will be.
Anyway, I know I am going to be sedated. I was just wondering whether everyone with crohns etc has to have a colonscopy and what should i expect? how do you feel when you wake up? does it hurt? or is it the stuff you have to do before hand thats the worse thing? I am super nervous about it all. Thank you!
Sorry if this is in the wrong area!
The stuff you have to do before hand is the worst part. I never remember anything about the colonoscopy itself, because you are out. You do get an IV so they can give you the sedation. Afterwards they keep you until you are awake and feel like you can go home. You will be sleepy the rest of the day.

Ok some suggestions for the prep: What ever you have to drink make sure it is cold. drink with a straw and suck hard candy in between the drinking (it helps to reduce the bad taste). If you have to drink the gallon prep ask if you can split it up and drink half at night and half early before the procedure. I can't remember how far you need to do it in advance, but ask. Every dr has a different way to prep so these are general. Make sure you have baby wipes or some kind of wipe to keep your bottom from getting too sore. (You may be using them already if you go to the bathroom a lot!)

The prep isn't fun, but the procedure itself, I have been very well taken care of. You will get to talk to the physician before they put you out.

I hope this is helpful and it is good you are getting it. I think if it is in the colon, this is the best way to find it. They can look and get biopsies. Good Luck and try to relax with the prep.

Hey! Check out my "colonoscopy adventure" thread. I just had a scope a few weeks ago that I too have been putting off for a very long time. I was honestly expecting much worse. My prep wasn't bad at all and to be honest was just as normal as my daily activities.

Good luck!
Hi K Walker just read it. Although helpful i am still rather terrified. Do you always get sedated? do you know whats going on? or are you totally out of it? do you 'come round' naturally?
I have always been knocked off, except for one time where I ASKED to just get numbing so I was aware, but I didn't feel a thing. It doesn't hurt at all (in my experience) and the doctor won't start until you're knocked out.

Honestly, the worst part of mine was the fact I wasn't allowed to eat, and I hate needles so when they did the IV I get anxious but nothing hurt at all. I was given this stuff to knock you out and within 30 seconds they say you get knocked out. They weren't lying. The nurse told me it would sting why its going into me but I didn't feel a thing, and to be honest I think I was out before they even finished putting it in me.

My appointment was at 830 am. I was third in line so I ended up going in around 930 I believe. Then when they wheeled me into the room, they gave me the stuff, knocked me out and I was awake 15 minutes later and left within the half hour. I took the bus home with no problem and stopped at a restaurant to eat breakfast with no problems at all.

Everyone (nurses included) told me the procedure was MUCH worse then it actually was for me.
I just had a colonoscopy in the hospital last week. As previously stated the prep is the worst part but once you get past that the rest is a breeze. They use Propoflo as an anesthesia which is quick acting and you wake up quickly. No pain and the whole procedure took about 1 hour from when I left my hospital room to when I was back in it.

You won't feel or remember a thing. I had a right hemicolectomy last week. The same medication they give you to knock you out for a colonoscopy (versed) is what they gave me to knock me out before taking me to the OR (where they then gave me stronger stuff). I have had three colonoscopies, and no problems. I agree with the others that the worst part is the prep.
I wish you well in your upcoming procedure. I know that mine have answered a lot of questions for me.
ChrisL, that's what I had too. I couldn't think of what it was called. Stuff works like a champ lol
Try not to worry. For me drinking the prep is the worst bit by a long way! I have always had Medazolam and Pethidine, which is a fantastic combination, I actually quite weirdly enjoy the sedation! I've had four colonoscopies now and only the last one I remember a little pain but it is very fuzzy. When I have woken up I have just wanted to eat, I've not even been that gassy, I must pass it all when I am still asleep. Good luck.
Colonoscopies are something most of here have had several times and often become a routine test for us. Like others already said, it's the prep that is a bother, not the exam itself. The stuff you have to drink can sometimes have a bad taste depending on what your doctor orders....somewhat salty...and you may even become nauseous near the end of it all, but that should subside fairly quickly. It's just A LOT of liquid in a short time and your stomach might get distended until it is all passed through.

As for the colonoscopy itself, you are actually semi-awake during the exam and can even answer questions that the doctor may ask you, but generally you will have absolutely no recollection of any of that because of the drugs they give you before and during the exam. I've had 5 and only recall waking up during 1 of them and talking to the doctor before they knocked me out again, but had no pain afterwards other than hemorrhoids that are common because of the prep.

Well I am no expert.....I am having a colonoscopy on the 27th and from what I have heard here in the UK we can opt for sedation, but you are not sedated as much as you would be in the States (completely out?). I think the theory is the more alert you are the more you can alert the Doctor to any pain, etc. I am considering no sedation - unless the Doctor advises otherwise.

I did read a joke along the lines of ' ...... but Doc $2,000 dollars charge for sedating me - that's very steep!'. 'It was not for sedating you - it was for waking you up'.

All the best,

Thanks guys :) That helped alot. I was as 'sick as a dog' yesterday, the night before I went out with a friend and probably picked up something, see as my immune system is weak and seems to pick up everything. So trying to eat as much as possible (very hungry right now) before 12 (which is when i have to stop eating :/) But got everything ready.. got my parents to buy me Lemonade, Wipes, nice creme.. have a good book so fingers crossed everything goes to plan.

I'm hoping after reading Robert747 that I can be put completely out, mainly because i'm scared of what I will feel during the scope... I had voted to be completely awake for an endoscopy. WOW. Now that was a mistake!!
The sedation really does make you forget everything! The good thing is no tube in your throat which gives me a sore throat. What prep have you got? I'll be thinking of you for the next 24 hours, I hope your book is good!
I'm taking moviprep? and omg its so gross! Can't see how i'm going to drink 2 litres of the stuff without throwing up or anything..
I'm taking moviprep? and omg its so gross! Can't see how i'm going to drink 2 litres of the stuff without throwing up or anything..

Nasty, that's the worst! Lemonade, ice cold is my tip and have a second glass with no prep in handy so when it gets to vile you can swap to straight lemonade. It helps me get the stuff down.
Just managed to finish the 2 litres... yeesh. Not sure how im going to take the next 2 litres in a couple of hours.
don't forget to suck on candy between drinks! it takes the nasty taste out, but you still get really full. And don't forget a straw, it helps it pass the taste buds more.
If you can manage this---hold your breath before you drink and swallow as much as you can before you take another breath..... it got me through the MoviPrep.
In the end I drank half the glass really quickly and then ate some jelly (jello) and drank some lucazade, took the taste right out so i could do the next half real quick.
Actually apart from feeling exceptionally tired i feel ok, and it seemed to go real quick. God bless sedation!
Great to hear! It's true the anticipation is sometimes so much worse than the actual process itself. Though it's not a walk in the park, to say the least. Glad you're feeling ok :)
God i feel i could sleep for days lol! Well the woman went through my sheet with me, saying the got right to the very end... there was still alot of d and that she took lots of biopsies. It does say ?Crohns Disease and ?Colonviscular Fistula, but the woman didn't say anything about that, however, my dad took a lot and reckoned thats what they were looking for and not what they found. Its a relief I didn't have something that came back saying your large intestine is horribly inflammed and we recommend you to have an operation straight away lol. I guess they do tell you if its inflammed? Just waiting for the results now and to have a cystopacy (?) on wednesday and finding out where this hole is!!My god this week is going to be fun!!
I am glad you made it through, hopefully after all this your dr can have a good plan of what to do from here!

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