Colonoscopy prep question?

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Feb 9, 2013
Hello everyone.

So I finished my prep which was the miralax mixed with gatorade, and I'm going clear, although each time I go to the bathroom, there's white specks floating in the toilet? I'm honestly not sure what they are, and I'm a bit I not cleaned out enough yet? :confused2: They don't look like parasite eggs or anything, but there's a ton of them and I'm wondering if it's just mucus?

Anyways, it might be a bit TMI, but I'm just curious if anyone's had this happen before? Please respond! Thank you! :smile:
I had a colonoscopy last monday, and did not experience that... but you will definately get flushed out... so whatever is in there will be coming out...drink lots of water every hour you are awake and it will help that much more. At this point if there are any issues you will find out soon enough when they perform the scope. Try not to worry and stay positive as you will have your answer soon enough.
I'd mention it to your GI when you see them but I wouldn't be concerned about not being cleaned out enough for the scope. Could be mucus, could be fat, could be seeds from something you ate (sesame seeds come to mind but I imagine you'd know if it were that). Let us know how the scope goes. :)

Just read up on that particular prep and it states, "You are properly cleaned out when the color of your stool in the toilet has changed from brown to clear or cloudy yellow with some white flecks." 01 13 11.pdf It could very well be from the prep itself.
Thank you both for the answers! :hug:

And Jennifer, thank you for reading up on the prep for me! Woo! Now, I just need to stop passing liquid so I can sleep...Come on colon, it's been five hours...:yrolleyes:
Everly, I'm wondering if you got a chance to ask the doctor about the white flecks and if they gave any explanation? :)

Yes, I did! Sorry for the late reply! They said, just as Jennifer had linked me, that you know you're clear on the miralax when you're passing clear/yellowish liquid with some white flecks. :)