Colonoscopy question

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Jul 27, 2012
I have a colonscopy and terminal ileoscopy (what ever that is?) on weds to look for crohns. untill about 3 weeks ago I was having heavy bleeding and diarrheah too (between 5-10 times a day) The blood was dark and thick and sometimes I was passing just blood. Then it all stopped? What reasons could there be for the bleeding to just stop? I have then had pain and exessive bloating, probably between 2-5 BM a day , exshaustion and dizzyness? Im wondering if they will not see anything now the bleeding has stopped? I can't handle the thought of no diagnosis... this has been going on for a year now. Any thoughts appeciated.
hello eriberrin, i had my colonoscopy and gastroscopy on saturday, displaying the same symptoms as you blood in stools 5-6 bm's a day tierdness and abdominal swelling and my colon was clear as well as my gastro tract unfortunately it is a long windy road so it seems in diagnosing with such a disease but they will most likely do biopsies on you too which they will then send off to the labs to be assesed so dont be disheartened if they dont find anything on weds something may show up in the biopsies keep your head held high and let me us know how it goes :)
Hi Eriberri, to your first question, a colonoscopy looks at your large bowel (colon) and at the start of your colon (the caecum) is where the small bowel enters the large bowel through the ileocaecal valve. The colonoscopist can occasionally pass through the ileocaecal valve into the terminal ileum (otherwise known as an ileoscopy).

Bloody diarrhoea has a number of causes, most of which are due to inflammation of your colon (colitis). To differentiate between them, you need to look at your history, blood and stool tests and then the results from your colonoscopy and biopsies. For example:

1. Ischaemic colitis - sudden onset severe pain, followed by bright red rectal bleeding. Usually short lived. Can leave a normal colonoscopy if not done reasonably promptly after bleeding.

2. Infectious colitis - bloody diarrhoea, usually have severe crampy abdominal pain, symptoms tend to settle after 1 to 2 weeks. Again colonoscopy can appear normal if not done soon after the symptoms. Can lead to a post infectious IBS, ie. bloating, mild diarrhoea, some abdominal pain, can go for weeks/months/years, after the colitis settles.

3. Crohns colitis or Ulcerative colitis - intermittent bloody diarrhoea, could settle spontaneously. This type of colitis would rarely leave a normal colonoscopy once the symptoms settles, however, mild disease once well treated may leave a relatively normal colonoscopy.

The bleeding is due to inflammation and ulceration, to answer your question, the bleeding tends to stop when the mucosa starts healing.

Best wishes.

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