Colonscopy :'(

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Dec 28, 2012
So today I had a colonscopy and I swear to god it killed me. :p during and after it I was throwing my guts up ! Never want to have it again would like to here other peoples experience!! As for my doctor he has not got a clue what's wrong with me which is not what I wanted too here
So in a few weeks times I'm going back to have a carmra down my throwt so not looking forward to that !
Would love to take about iut with people that can give me tips as we are kinda of in the same boat :dance:
What are your symptoms for needing a colonoscopy?

I had a gastro and then a colonoscopy right after. The colonoscopy was easy compared to the gastro. For me anyway. The gastro I was gagging something awful, eyes watering. Not nice, constant gagging. The colonoscopy was uncomfortable but watching the image somehow made it easier so I could brace myself if going round a corner...
Crohns and celiac disease but there not sure so that's why I have to have the carmra one but my colonscopy was terrible I was crying lol
And I was on oxygen for a hour after and I was getting sick a lot
Didn't not like it one bit !! They won't to look at my belly and small intestine as I keep being up blood when I'm getting sick and I haven't been able too eat from 29th November till today so lost weight rapid which isn't good but every time I eat its up within minutes
I can totally sympathise with you. Its horrible. And i dont even have Crohns, Its suspected i have Ulcerative colitis.

Probably the thing I found hardest is the prep for the colonoscopy. I had to goto work as i didnt want to explain to my boss.

I hope you get the diagnosis soon with the camera :-(
Kikidee, did they mention what they saw? Did they take biopsies?

Throwing up probably has more to do with the medication they gave you to sedate you, than the colonoscopy / prep itself. You might want to ask them what they used and request something different if you need to have another.
They didn't see anything, then? Are they doing an endoscopy or a capsule endoscopy? It's great that they went ahead and scheduled that. A lot of doctors just try to write you off if nothing shows up on the colonoscopy.
Sara bear they took biopes but they couldn't name what's going on with me
Had enough 1980 I didn't take all off it I was getting sick but I told my GI but he wanted to carry out the endoscopy
They might have some answers for you when they get the biopsies back.

What prep did you use? Next time, you might want to try a different one. Sometimes one will upset your stomach, but there's another one out there that won't. Miralax seems to be the easiest.