All grains are excluded in paleo and SCD, not just wheat.
Traditionally many grains were fermented (this allowed beneficial bacteria to begin breaking them down) or sprouted (changes nutritional content for the better) before consumption, but that is rare today.
So raw vegan could include grains as sprouts or essene bread (cooked at low heat, ie on a hot rock or in a slow cooker, (i think raw vegans have a temperature that they can go up to).
I believe the makers diet has a similar approach to grains.
Lean is not a requirement of paleo,
there is a faction (for want of a better word) that expound low fat and it is picked up on by the media because it helps the corporate war on fat.
If you eat less carbs you need more fat for energy.
The whole low fat is a bit of a misunderstanding. Wild animals have very lean muscle but store the fat elsewhere. since we just eat the muscle meat nowadays we forget that our ancestors valued the organ meat and fat as the most nutritious part of the animal.
That's the side of the discussion i've chosen to align with anyway
Dairy isn't paleo, but many paleo followers (fwoabw
) add it to their diet.
If SCD isn't working or only partial improvement is obtained, some SCD advisors (fwoabw) recommend avoiding dairy, eggs, nuts and sugars (honey/fruit) and chilli (a nightshade)
Some paleo advisors (fwoabw) also recommend (for all autoimmune diseases) avoiding eggs, nuts, dairy and nightshades if nessesary.
Once you have damaged intestinal permeability (and lets face it, ulcers are damage) then you are likely to have much more trouble with proteins in these foods (eggs,dairy,nuts) that normally wouldn't be a problem.
Grain fed animals have a higher omega-6, lower omega-3 profile and less CLA (conjugated linoleic acids - believed to be healthy) than grass fed.
Refined salt is 'bad' but unrefined salt is 'good' (in moderation).
they all exclude modern oils.........
"If it involves an industrial plant, multiple stainless steel vats, a deodorizer, a de-gummer, and the harsh petroleum-derived solvent known as hexane, I wouldn’t eat it."
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