Concerned about allergic reactions after body builds immunity

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Jul 13, 2015
I just had my first remicade infusion yesterday….overall went well (I was so nervous). My question is: I took humira for around 10 months and then it was discovered I had built up antibodies.
Like humira, I will be taking remicade alone and not pairing it with another med that suppresses the immune system. I have heard that when individuals have built up antibodies to remicade, they van have allergic or other bad reaction…this concerns me. On humira, I had no bad reaction to treatment to this med. even after I built resistance. I was wondering if remicade is more dangerous in this regard. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Im just scared of bad reactions down the road… thank u
My son was on Remicade and mtx for a year and a half then came off for surgery and recovery. When he started back head the first loading dose then the second, with a slight reaction, chest felt tight, a lil short of breath. The same thing happened again at the 3rd infusion, they ran the antibodies test. It was extremely high.

Each reaction the nurses were prepared to handle and since the IV lab it at the GI office the docs we're on standby.

My son said it wasn't that bad he almost didn't say anything.

They also had him on iv benedryl when he first started and solumedrol after each reaction.

That being said, reactions can vary of you build up antibodies or if you have an allergic reaction.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I had no indication that I had built up antibodies to humira... Except for the test results and follow up colonoscopy that showed my disease was still active. I am just hoping that I have no bad allergic reaction if the same thing were to happen on remicade.
It's comforting to know that the nurses and the other staff who perform this procedure no exactly what to do and what to look for if something were to happen. Still makes me nervous always probably will.
You can have an allergic reaction to any drug
Regardless of antibodies ( this was Ds with remicade )
But he reacts to everything ( bees foid drugs etc))
So ....
Clash is right the staff is alert for any signs of anaphylaxis and the monitors will pick things up as well through bp oxygen levels etc...
Thanks, you have helped me feel a lot more relaxed… it just takes time to feel comfortable when starting a new medicine for the first time. I was equally nervous when i began humira, but after a while I became used to it. Keeping fingers crossed I don't have any reactions with remicade