I just had my first remicade infusion yesterday….overall went well (I was so nervous). My question is: I took humira for around 10 months and then it was discovered I had built up antibodies.
Like humira, I will be taking remicade alone and not pairing it with another med that suppresses the immune system. I have heard that when individuals have built up antibodies to remicade, they van have allergic or other bad reaction…this concerns me. On humira, I had no bad reaction to treatment to this med. even after I built resistance. I was wondering if remicade is more dangerous in this regard. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Im just scared of bad reactions down the road… thank u
Like humira, I will be taking remicade alone and not pairing it with another med that suppresses the immune system. I have heard that when individuals have built up antibodies to remicade, they van have allergic or other bad reaction…this concerns me. On humira, I had no bad reaction to treatment to this med. even after I built resistance. I was wondering if remicade is more dangerous in this regard. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Im just scared of bad reactions down the road… thank u