Hi there,
I am posting as a concerned sister of a newly diagnosed Crohns 21yo male, looking for advice from persons, like yourselves, who have gone through the process of diagnosis, treatment, adjustments, etc.
My brothers dx of Crohns was confirmed about 5wks ago from a colonoscopy but his episodes having been occuring intermittently for probably 5-6 yrs. The most recent episode led to this diagnosis due to me and my moms insistence he seek medical care. The episode probably started about 8-12 weeks ago and he was seen by his PCP, referred to a gastro but while waiting to be seen at the GI he went into the ER and Urgent care for pain/spasms/etc. By this time, he had dropped from 175 to 150 at 6'3'' over the course of 2-3mos.
During the first GI visit, the Doc suspected an ulcer
(sent him for labs, hpylori, rx the ulcer diet) and scheduled an endoscopy. Over that weekend, he called the doc b/c of pain and inability to eat and doc rx a med to coat the esophogeal-stomach lining but no pain meds. Had the endoscopy-not an ulcer but he had moderate-severe epithelial inflammation. Scheduled for colonoscopy 10days later (seriously??)-during which Crohns was confirmed of ileocolitis type with two known abscesses and perianal complications. Doc prescribes prednisone BID, pentasa bid, cipro, flagyl, align probitoic and to continue low food map diet + gluten free+ lactose free. F/u scheduled for 4wks.
Fast fwd- he kind of feels better (intermittent good not intermittent bad). 4wk f/u was three days ago and the night before he went to urgent care again for pain/insomnia/anorexia/dizziness (given tramadol). At f/u Doc tells him that his current status of Crohs is a severity 7/10, he cant go to basic on April 1 (which is something I already knew was not going to occur b/c crohns is automatic exemption for entry into all armed forces, including during a draft) but might be able to go in 6mos if he can get it under control. (Complete bulls**T). Rx are now: Pentasa 2 capsulses q6h, Prednisone bid, Xifamin, Align for the next few weeks, new order is to limit food intake to soft foods only with Ensure three times a day to maintain current weight (again- 150 @ 6'4'').
After the initial dx, I looked into support groups, forums like this, nursing textbooks i still have around, etc. Both my mom and I think he needs to seek pyschologically counseling for adjustment to the diagnosis and how to re-organize his "life plan" (ie. he wont be joining the AirForce anymore). I have a list of the local chapters for CCFA and a recommendation for a nutritionist.
As persons who have been dx with/family members of person with:
1. Did you find counseling, pyschologically or nutritional, helpful?
2. What is the one suggestion you would make to someone like myself who is concerned with being a support person.
Lastly and most importantly-
Thoughts on seeking a 2nd opinion?
After doing lots of research (i have mental health, gyno, nursing background and work experience, biology (2nd) degree in process, and possible md/research pathway) I honestly think he is being undermanaged and that the Doc is prescribing conventional step up therapies but from the CDAI guidelines, scientific journal articles and reviews- he seems to meet the qualifications for a more top-down therapy module for mucosal healing to reduce risk of surgery and limit the already inexistence havoc to his entire bowel.
I know this may seem like I am an uptight nancy but my brother is an ostrich. He didnt even look up crohns after the initial dx and tends to project inward, isolating himself, during issues. I fully understand the potential ramifications of his disease and want to make sure that he has the best outcomes possible since he is younger and may not want to face the realities of the initial process of putting crohns into remission, not to mention the long term concerns at this time. I cant imagine being diagnosed at this point in his life and feeling like everything went to shiz. Until he can come to terms with it and show some understanding of his role in controlling the disease process and advocating for himself- I cant help but nudge....(or propel :blush
Thanks for any advice/suggestions. I really do appreciate your time and perspective.
I am posting as a concerned sister of a newly diagnosed Crohns 21yo male, looking for advice from persons, like yourselves, who have gone through the process of diagnosis, treatment, adjustments, etc.
My brothers dx of Crohns was confirmed about 5wks ago from a colonoscopy but his episodes having been occuring intermittently for probably 5-6 yrs. The most recent episode led to this diagnosis due to me and my moms insistence he seek medical care. The episode probably started about 8-12 weeks ago and he was seen by his PCP, referred to a gastro but while waiting to be seen at the GI he went into the ER and Urgent care for pain/spasms/etc. By this time, he had dropped from 175 to 150 at 6'3'' over the course of 2-3mos.
During the first GI visit, the Doc suspected an ulcer
(sent him for labs, hpylori, rx the ulcer diet) and scheduled an endoscopy. Over that weekend, he called the doc b/c of pain and inability to eat and doc rx a med to coat the esophogeal-stomach lining but no pain meds. Had the endoscopy-not an ulcer but he had moderate-severe epithelial inflammation. Scheduled for colonoscopy 10days later (seriously??)-during which Crohns was confirmed of ileocolitis type with two known abscesses and perianal complications. Doc prescribes prednisone BID, pentasa bid, cipro, flagyl, align probitoic and to continue low food map diet + gluten free+ lactose free. F/u scheduled for 4wks.
Fast fwd- he kind of feels better (intermittent good not intermittent bad). 4wk f/u was three days ago and the night before he went to urgent care again for pain/insomnia/anorexia/dizziness (given tramadol). At f/u Doc tells him that his current status of Crohs is a severity 7/10, he cant go to basic on April 1 (which is something I already knew was not going to occur b/c crohns is automatic exemption for entry into all armed forces, including during a draft) but might be able to go in 6mos if he can get it under control. (Complete bulls**T). Rx are now: Pentasa 2 capsulses q6h, Prednisone bid, Xifamin, Align for the next few weeks, new order is to limit food intake to soft foods only with Ensure three times a day to maintain current weight (again- 150 @ 6'4'').
After the initial dx, I looked into support groups, forums like this, nursing textbooks i still have around, etc. Both my mom and I think he needs to seek pyschologically counseling for adjustment to the diagnosis and how to re-organize his "life plan" (ie. he wont be joining the AirForce anymore). I have a list of the local chapters for CCFA and a recommendation for a nutritionist.
As persons who have been dx with/family members of person with:
1. Did you find counseling, pyschologically or nutritional, helpful?
2. What is the one suggestion you would make to someone like myself who is concerned with being a support person.
Lastly and most importantly-
Thoughts on seeking a 2nd opinion?
After doing lots of research (i have mental health, gyno, nursing background and work experience, biology (2nd) degree in process, and possible md/research pathway) I honestly think he is being undermanaged and that the Doc is prescribing conventional step up therapies but from the CDAI guidelines, scientific journal articles and reviews- he seems to meet the qualifications for a more top-down therapy module for mucosal healing to reduce risk of surgery and limit the already inexistence havoc to his entire bowel.
I know this may seem like I am an uptight nancy but my brother is an ostrich. He didnt even look up crohns after the initial dx and tends to project inward, isolating himself, during issues. I fully understand the potential ramifications of his disease and want to make sure that he has the best outcomes possible since he is younger and may not want to face the realities of the initial process of putting crohns into remission, not to mention the long term concerns at this time. I cant imagine being diagnosed at this point in his life and feeling like everything went to shiz. Until he can come to terms with it and show some understanding of his role in controlling the disease process and advocating for himself- I cant help but nudge....(or propel :blush
Thanks for any advice/suggestions. I really do appreciate your time and perspective.