Insight for my hubby please

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 29, 2021
Hello All,

Long time lurker here 😬 my husband has had Crohns disease for 6 years and initially was treated with entocort and then mercaptopurine was started almost 5 years ago. He's done great! Labs are perfect, not a single symptom. Weight gain, high energy etc. Nothing like he was before diagnosis a d even with entocort alone. He had a routine colonoscopy yesterday and we were disheartened to find out he has 3 strictures (2 were inflated with a balloon and 1 couldn't be because it had an ulcer on it) and ulcers were seen. Initially when his doc started all looked great and he thought he wouldn't fund anything until he got to a certain point. He even had to switch to a pediatric scope to finish. So his doc is recommending Humira and a follow up CT entography in a few months. He doesn't think he needs steriods right now and says the strictures aren't fibrotic and seems confident the Humira will work. He said the good news was he didn't see "as many ulcers" as last scope (5years ago) but I'm terrified these strictures will cause a problem before thr Humira has time to work. We are waiting on insurance and blood work before he can start and I know Humira takes a long time to work. I spoke with his GI nurse today and she reassured me they aren't worried and if they were he would be on Entocort or Pred. Said to continue on as we have been, not any diet changes are needed now either and just report back if any symptoms develop. So I'm really looking for some reassuring stories from others and some insight? He also is recommending him stay on the mercaptopurine for 2 years witg the Humira then he will wean him off the mercaptopurine but we don't love that idea due to the cancer risk, I do really love his doc and trust him but I'm scared. Once again insight is appreciated! His aunt also has crohns and had a major bowel resection about 18 years ago (went undiagnosed for years) and has been on humira ever since with amazing results. Says she forgets she's even on anything. And his mom has RA and has tested positive for Crohns but she's on about 7 different meds to stay in remission. That scares me.. But I'm a nervous wreck over here especially since he's felt so great. I feel like it's a kick to the gut (no pun intended 😬) and I'm scared that something will happen suddenly. Sorry to ramble. Any insight and encouraging stories are appreciated! Also any success with Humira would be great to hear too!
i feel like somebody smarter than me should be replying here, and hopefully, they will be along shortly ....

In the meantime, take a step back and reflect on the most important fact

You're there for him, (like my wife is for me)

Just knowing that he's got a solid support system in place on the home front is better than any medicine, any treatment plan, any anything

You will get thru this phase together, and on to happier times soon enough

I think you *may* find some usefull information in the diet, fitness and supllement subforum
identifying some trigger foods and working on nutrition has really changed my paradigm

Welcome to the board!
If you have any specific questions, post them up

There's some really saavy people on here!
i feel like somebody smarter than me should be replying here, and hopefully, they will be along shortly ....

In the meantime, take a step back and reflect on the most important fact

You're there for him, (like my wife is for me)

Just knowing that he's got a solid support system in place on the home front is better than any medicine, any treatment plan, any anything

You will get thru this phase together, and on to happier times soon enough

I think you *may* find some usefull information in the diet, fitness and supllement subforum
identifying some trigger foods and working on nutrition has really changed my paradigm

Welcome to the board!
If you have any specific questions, post them up

There's some really saavy people on here!
Thanks so much for the reply! Your words really touched me. This disease can you feel so alone. If you don't mind sharing, what did you do nutrition wise? He's cut out gluten recently and dairy and takes a myriad of supplements already and is limiting processed foods, sugar etc. He's also very active thankfully