Confused kinda down

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Nov 20, 2011
Hey y`all. Havnt been on here in along time, but the sicker i get the more comfort and solis i find in here..

The last couple months has been really bad. The pain, and feeling i need to be close to a bathroom at all times is ever present. Being sick leaves mefeeling weak and unmotivated to do much. The place i am most comfortabe is home.

In the last year i have really been working hard on cleaning myself up. I had a pretty insane addiction that just about killed me more than once. Part of my recovery involved dropping all my friends.
I started meeting new people but no one i really bonded with until i met my buddy Ill call him dave. We had been down similar roads and we totally got each other. This was early last summer and i was pretty much healthy. I was off all drugs and my crohns wasnt active. It was great..

At the end Of last summer i culd feel my crohn`s wake up and over the last year ive started to slip back into my fimiliar hell. Its weird. U can almost set a clock to my flairs. Every 4 years i start getting sick and by the 5th year im having surgery
At first Dave was really supportive. He didnt mind coming to my house. On days i felt up to going to his place i did, but the sicker i get theless i want to go out and the more i sleep

In the past month hes been telling me that he thinks hes the only one who puts effort into our friendship and that i dont care. Ive done so much for him (because i could, and wanted to and not just financial ) ive never felt or acted like he owed me anything, Thats totally not how i am. Last night we got into it over me not going to his place latly and he said lately ive been acting like i did. This really hurt me. Hes seen when i have the really bad pain and i dont understand why hes being like this. Its like if im not squirming around in pain im fine. I also live with a pretty high ammount of anxiety. I dont know where it comes from but today i read about people who were malnourished having anxiety.
I digress..
Between being sick in the tummy and sick in the head Im left feeling edgy and snappy. I totally realize this and known i can be a bit of a jerk not even a jerk, i just find it hard to hide it whenthings annoy me. Usually im polite so I think this thows him off.. And when i get snappy over something i usually catch myself and say sorry

If anyone can suggest anything i might be able to do. Or something i couldsay to him.

Hes my cloest friend since i cut everyone out of my life and truly dont want to lose him as a friend. :confused2:
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I'm sorry to hear what you've been dealing with. :(

It sounds like a really frustrating situation. It seems strange to me that he would say those things to you, though - that seems kind of out of line and unusual. Did you two hang out frequently before you started feeling unwell again?

If you feel like he understands the situation you're in and is still acting this way, maybe the best thing to do would be to step back a little and not see him as much. The stress of dealing with someone who is being hurtful towards you is likely to make you feel worse, anyway.

:hug: I'm sorry I don't have any better advice. I hope things work out soon!
Hey Mikey I understand about how the same time each year I would get a flare of my crohns. It's very difficult when it's a priority to know where all the bathrooms are located everywhere you go. As far as friends true friends are there for you through good and bad. A true friend you do notbhave to work at it it's a two way street and comes natural. I have 3 friends I could call in the middle of the night and they would be here no questions asked and I would do the same for them. You should never let someone make you feel bad that is not a true friend. There are a lot of good people out there you just have to get to know them. Good luck with everything I wish you the best..

That's a lot to put on someone who is sick. I am pretty sure
making you feel guilty is not what he means to do. It's prob
his insecurities that are at play in all this.

I wish I had some advice to offer but. I am not sure what
you could do to help right now. You need to take care of your
self first right now.

I hope things settle down quickly for you!
