In 2011, my son was being treated for ankylosing spondylitis, he is hla-b27 positive. The pediatric rheumatologist referred that he be seen for suspected Crohn's Disease. The first GI that treated him performed barium X-ray study, numerous blood test and everything was normal. My son was on enbrel for 2 years for spondylitis and gained weight to the point he was 40lbs overweight. The pediatric GI said it was necessary for him to have an endoscopy and colonoscopy, as soon as he was finished with the test she told me he had Crohn's in the small ileum and ulcers on his esophagus. At the time I didn't know what I do now and I hope that this never happens to another person again. Immediately she started him on Humira, during those 4 years he was still sick, but I was learning more about the disease and he wasn't having the symptoms associated with either UC or Crohn's. Sorry if this is confusing, the original GI that diagnosed him left the practice and he was switched to another GI in the same practice. After blood test, MRE in 2014 he was scoped again but there wasn't any inflammation found and she told me that was because the Humira cleared it and he was to continue on Humira. I requested all the pathology reports and saw on 2011 report Small bowel, terminal ileum, biopsy: ileal mucous a with patchy moderate chronic active iletis with focal moderate architectural cryptitis and focal surface erosion, features suggestive of IBD (Crohn's Iletis); no discrete granulomata identified. Stomach biopsy showed mild congestion with minimal chronic inflammation. Besides his esophagus everything was normal. In 2014 small bowel, terminal ileum, biopsy: illeal mucosa with preserved villous architecture; within normal limits. His esophagus had inflammation from direct toxic injury which was caused by INH therapy, he contracted latent TB while on Humira. The slides were sent to another hospital with a new pediatric GI and he told me that if he had it it was extremely minimal and no treatment with Humira was warranted. Now because he was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis the new GI wanted me to take my son to someone else before stopping Humira. I waited for the Prometheus test to come back was told it was inconsistent with IBD but he needs an endoscopy and colonoscopy. I requested the pathology report on the slides and the report "we agree with the outside diagnosis." My son is now 17 and is no longer treated by pediatric doctors. The new rheumatologist said that it's impossible for him to have Ankylosing Spondylitis because he is hyper mobile. The new GI says no Crohn's Disease. I asked if there was any scars anything at all and he said if he didn't know the history he would have a completely normal result, but because he couldn't reach everything with scope he arranged the MRE I got the results no inflammation, no Crohn's but enlarged liver and right kidney, as well as lesion in stomach. My son has to have an ultrasound endoscopy this week. The GI has not said much except things I can't face at the moment. I'm very scared. I don't trust anybody anymore and the pediatric rheumatologist had shares with Humira and paid 100k a year by them and found out a bunch of other things. I'm lost. I hope that I somehow explained this all its just a lot. Thank you for any help or anything at all. I don't know what to do my son is 5'10 weighs 110lbs weight loss occurred after stopping Humira but now he can't gain and has constant diarrhea. I don't know what to do anymore.