Constipation remedy needed for colostomy

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Jun 7, 2011
Hi everyone,
This problem is new to me...well kind of new. I have been having constipation problems for a couple of months now. I have a colostomy and so for years all I dealt with was very loose stools several times a day. The constipation thing really hurts and scares me. I am wondering what other people do for constipation problems with a colostomy. I tried Senekot and it did seem to work but I wound up taking a whole bottle in about 5 days. I don't want to keep doing that. Any suggestions?
Iwrote this before but put it in the wrong section, so I am trying again. Peace
no pooping happening

I only tried the Senekot, which I believe is a natural laxative. I am impressed by you though. Writing to help and being so new to Colostomy Land, so to speak, I was a basket case for years after mine. Thanks
I echo the stool softener idea. You have to take them every day though, not just when you're constipated. I have a colostomy as well and don't really have too many problems with constipation any more (prior to my stoma though I'd go a week without a movement....ouch!!), but I've been taking the stool softeners since I got my stoma so that might be the reason why I have no problems there anymore.

If you don't take the softeners, I'd try a laxative you can take everyday like Benefiber, Citrucel, Fiber Choice, Metamucil...personally I like Benefiber the best since it doesn't taste like anything at all and you can put it in your food if you don't want to drink it in water.
Miralax is a good stool softener, doesn't cause cramping. Just put a few teaspoons in some water and guzzle. No taste at all to it. Transports water to the bowel.
I echo what Nyx says about taking it every day and not just when you are feeling constipated.
pooping problems

Thanks Nyx and Poolside,
I feel so much better knowing people take stool softeners everyday. I don't know why, I thought that was a "No-No'. You guys rock!
I'm glad to know people do that too!!! I may never need to, but by gosh it's good to know! Still, I know you dont wanna....but tell the GI anyway. I know, tests are FUN arent they? NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!