Constipation with EN???

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Oct 9, 2012
Anybody able to advise or assist me? My 14 year old son, recently diagnosed with Crohns and on his 7th day of EN (Modulan). He is managing to drink this as a shake. He went to the loo last night and as has been the case for him in the last month or so, he absolutely struggled to have BM. When he did it was hard, very painful and accompanied by a small amount of fresh bright blood, which probably a fissure. I thought the Modulan should make stools more watery and would give fissure time to heal. Also can anyone tell me when one might notice any improvement while on EN? His very low weight has not improved, nor has his energy levels. I was so hoping for an immediate improvement, however slight!
My son (age 11, was diagnosed in July) took awhile for the modulan to settle into his system and he also ended up having fresh blood in his bm, not something he had had before. Things did improve slightly over the weeks but not quite as we would have hoped. He did end up on steroids which cleared everything up in the end.

What I have learned from this site is, if you're not happy ask a member of your medical team. I used to hate making a fuss but have finally learned that you have to. We are the ones living with our kids and know when things aren't right. Do you have a IBD nurse you can phone?

Take care. X

I have a 14 year old daughter diagnosed with Crohns this year. She was on Modulen for 8 weeks, to be honest I think a week is slightly too soon for any noticeable improvement. It took a couple of weeks for my daughter to start feeling better and for the pains to go, but when she did it was amazing! Over the 8 weeks she put on almost 14lb, most of what she lost through the Crohns symptoms. From what I understand Modulen is supposed to firm up BM's, but please be careful as my daughter didn't 'go' for over a week and ended up having an enema. Now if she goes more than a couple of days without a BM, she takes a laxative (Movicol). It might be an idea to check with your doctor. Good luck to your son, I am sure you will see results from the Modulen soon, I can't praise it highly enough!
My son did exclusive EN for six weeks... he began to feel better within week or two, howver, he had also received IV Flagyl for week, starting a few days before the EN.

However, there was NO constipation. He actually had diarrhea, which we were told to expect 'liquid going in, liquid going out' - so I'm confused about he constipation as well???

As far as weight gain, take his activity level into consideration too... my son was receiving 3000 cal per day but, once feeling better, was in phys.ed. classes 2+ hours per day plus played hockey 2-3 times per week. This being the case, he only gained approx. 10 lbs during the six weeks. However, once food was added back and he could adjust his caloric intake to his activity level, he gained another 20 lbs over the next six weeks (while still on maintenance EN).
Some kids go to extremes when on en most are constipated since there is little waste produced.
DS wasn't he was all liquid but most kids who do en for other medical reasons need daily miralax.
I would ask your Ibd doc.
V has used EN for four years. 3000+ cals /day for the first 30 days and 1500cals/day now as maintenance. Administered via NG tube which she places each night at bedtime.
This is a far easier way to get the larger amts of formula in.
Her stools are/were always normal, neither loose nor too hard. But she has small bowel disease which can be that way, stool wise.

For max benefit they need 2500-3000cals/day of formula. This is from V's GI, not MY opinion. He is a huge proponent of it as a first line treatment (unusual in USA) and of using it beyond the 6-8 weeks.
His theory and mine is, why STOP a treatment that is working (assuming it is)?
And the nutritional benefit cannot be argued with.
Everyone is so eager to get "off" of EN. I was ready to buy it myself if V's ins hadn't covered it for years as it has.