Has anyone here had the Prometheus IBD sgi Diagnostic done and knows what it cost them? We're trying to figure out what it costs with and without insurance so that we can add that information to the wiki. Thank you!
My son had the Thiopurine Metabolites test and insurance denied it.
the GI there told me that there is never any reason to order both the TPMT Genetics AND the TPMT Enzyme. It's just a waste of my insurance's $$$!
Wow Vonnie. Did biopsies of your intestinal tract show Crohn's disease that your GI ignored as well?
I had the Prometheus IBD test done twice and it did not show I had crohn's either time. The first I paid out of pocket about $400 and the second time, my insurance picked it up as I had the test run in a different facility. I do have crohns and just recently underwent a bowel resection for strictures. I don't know if anyone else had this experience with the test. This may be a topic for a different thread. My first gi went solely by that test even though I had other markers for crohns e.g. anemia, inflammation, scarring, high CRP levels, high white blood cell count, etc. I got a second opinion after three years of believing I did not have crohns.