Could Crohn's disease cause chronic constipation? Trying to get a diagnosis...

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Jul 27, 2014
I'm not getting anywhere with doctors a the moment so I'm looking for some advice on some of the symptoms I'm having. Sorry its a bit long!

One of these symptoms is chronic constipation since the age of 2, so pretty much when I started eating real food. When I was younger it was terrible, no laxatives worked, I was constantly in pain and refused to eat anything so I had to have vitamin drops put in all my drinks. I was also ill a lot during this time. This lasted for years until I was about 13/14 when I found the right type and dosage of laxatives which has brought it back into control. I have taken these laxatives every day now for years and they seem to work for me and without them I just don't go, I usually get to the 2 week mark and give up.

My 2 other symptoms are constant fatigue and dry eyes ( blepharitis). I had blood tests done and the dr's found that I was borderline deficient in VitD, VitB12, Folate and Ferritin. However my ESR and CRP was negative which I know isn't a sign of Crohns but I'm wondering whether it would still be possible that I have it?

I saw a gastroenterologist and had an upper GI for coeliac disease but everything was normal and these vitamin's they're measuring keep fluctuating around the deficient mark so they're not getting clear readings on anything.

Other things to mention is that we have a family history of Coeliac disease and Hypthyroidism (been tested for) and I'm underweight.

Thanks for reading, sorry if it was too long!
Crohn's is not a clear cut disease, no one is the same. There are some people that get constipation instead of diarrhea, it just isn't as common. What are your other symptoms?
Can you push for a colonoscopy to look at your lower GI tract? B12 is absorbed in the Terminal Iileum so if you are deficient in that, that is where they need to be looking. Are they saying you are negative for Celiac's because of blood tests or did they do biopsies when they did the upper GI? The prometheus test is famous for false positives/false negatives, thats why I ask.
My son suffers from constipation, not diarrhea and he has Crohn's. He tries to go once a day, but doesn't alway succeed and sometimes it hurts to go. His other symptoms are occasional headaches, backaches and a small appetite.
I have Crohns and have cronic constiåation, extreme fatigue, vitamin D deficiency and I had elevated CRP before they did a colonoscopy, so many of the things you describe is like what I experience.
After what I have read 15% that have Crohns get constipation and 20% get joint pain, however fatigue is very normal for crohns sufferers
I suffer from constipation as well and get sore back and bloating but when I had my flare up at the start of the month I was really runny now I can't go unless I take laxatives and I don't want to be depend on them
Yep. Crohn's can definitely cause chronic constipation. I would push for a colonoscopy and a small bowel follow through or gastric emptying scan. The problem may not be Crohn's per say, it could be a motility disorder in your gastrointestinal tract instead. Just an idea, talk to your doctor about it. But yes, a colonoscopy would be the next best move.
Thanks for all the replies. Yeah the upper GI tested for Coeliacs and came back negative and the report also said there were no lymphocytes which I think is to do with Crohns?

I could see if they would do a colonoscopy its just I'm really scared of hospital procedures and a part of me thinks it would be a waste of time because my CRP and ESR are normal and I don't think they've ever considered Crohns as an option. Is it possible to have a low CRP and ESR with Crohns? Also I know Crohns is considered to be quite a serious disease so wouldn't my symptoms be worse because now the constipation is under control I don't get much pain.
I had chronic constipation when it was discovered that I had crohns. It was determined that I was filled with fistulas and had to have a resection to remove them. I have no active symptoms now after the surgery.
Thanks for all the replies. Yeah the upper GI tested for Coeliacs and came back negative and the report also said there were no lymphocytes which I think is to do with Crohns?

I could see if they would do a colonoscopy its just I'm really scared of hospital procedures and a part of me thinks it would be a waste of time because my CRP and ESR are normal and I don't think they've ever considered Crohns as an option. Is it possible to have a low CRP and ESR with Crohns? Also I know Crohns is considered to be quite a serious disease so wouldn't my symptoms be worse because now the constipation is under control I don't get much pain.

Yes, you can have Crohns with normal CRP and ESR. I was diagnosed 5 years ago based on colonoscopy results. ALL of my other tests were normal, but the colonoscopy showed inflammation in the terminal ileum with granuloma, which is definitive for Crohns.

Definitely push for a colonoscopy!
I share many symptoms with you (the whole constipation, defiencies) though my problems only really initiated after my appendectomy. (That said I do recall issues when younger, I think that was more lacto-related, so I don't count them).
Anyway back to the topic at hand, having chronic constipation/slow transit apparently can cause defiencies etc. Apparently it's totally normal @_@ to have such symptoms with constipation because the nutrients aren't reaching the bowel villi quick enough to be absorbed (lest how my current gi implied anyway).

That said it never hurts to go for tests ^^

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