I am a 23 year old female. For the past 3 years I have suffered with some sort of bowel disease on and off (comes and goes every few months) ...It happens when I eat, I get severe stomach cramping and have diarrhea within the next 15 min's, that I am unable to control. I also have been tired/fatigue lately, and randomly have low grade fever (never over 100). I'm not sure what to do. If i go to a doctor, and they run all these tests, are they just going to tell me to change my lifestyle(I already eat fairly healthy)? ...Anything helps, living with this on vacations, or when I'm out to eat, or anywhere is just terrible and embarrassing. Could it be crohn's? ...if so, what can be done about it? Thanks so much in advance for your help, it is greattllyy appreciated!!!!