Could it be Crohn's?

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Aug 3, 2011
I am a 23 year old female. For the past 3 years I have suffered with some sort of bowel disease on and off (comes and goes every few months) ...It happens when I eat, I get severe stomach cramping and have diarrhea within the next 15 min's, that I am unable to control. I also have been tired/fatigue lately, and randomly have low grade fever (never over 100). I'm not sure what to do. If i go to a doctor, and they run all these tests, are they just going to tell me to change my lifestyle(I already eat fairly healthy)? ...Anything helps, living with this on vacations, or when I'm out to eat, or anywhere is just terrible and embarrassing. Could it be crohn's? ...if so, what can be done about it? Thanks so much in advance for your help, it is greattllyy appreciated!!!!
Well it could be Crohn's but it could also be many other things as well. The only way to know for sure is to see a GI doctor and get checked out. If it is Crohn's then you might be prescribed some medication to help get it under control. Either way, after 3 years of dealing with it you should definitely talk to someone.
Hi lmr:

I agree with SdN. It could be Crohn's or it could be something else completely. I think it's important to see a doctor---you have some symptoms that could worsen in intensity and severity. If you have a good doctor she/he should run tests to see what's going on---that's how someone comes to be diagnosed with an illness! If your doctor doesn't run any tests and there isn't a specific diagnosis but tells you to make general lifestyle changes, then perhaps it's time to find a new doctor.

With most illnesses, though, lifestyle changes are generally prescribed either by our doctor's or by our own bodies!
Hi and welcome! Many GI issues have similar symptoms, and your symptoms could align with Crohn's. However, they can align with many other things, as well. I know you are young and don't want to go through numerous tests, but it is best to get it checked out. If it is something serious like Crohn's, it is best to find out as soon as possible so you can treat your condition before it gets worse. Ignoring the problem will not help.

Make that appointment and keep us posted!
HI there it could be crohn's but like the other guys were saying go to another gp and get some tests runned. it's best to catch it early if it's crohn's so you can get it under control faster. best wishes
