Could it be TRUE!!!????? (HS)

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Jul 26, 2011
could it be TRUE!!!????? (HS)

i finally got a second opinion about my dx of HS, against my doctors wishes....i saw a derm for the 1st time ever on friday morning...long story short, i explained everything to him and he took a look and he said he's 99% sure this IS NOT HS!!!!!! it was a morning full of tears and excitement quite a day for me...then left with so many thoughts boucning through my heads while getting my remicade infusion. could it really be true??? my GI/surgen was 100% sure it is HS when i asked her for a referral to see a derm she said NO and made me feel bad for doubting her! the derm wants to see me back when my "lump/bump" is inflamed or back in full force to get a culture of it but can you beleive he thinks it could be a cyst....just a simple cyst!!! i just wanted to share this with you all...ALWAYS get a second opnion, ALWAYS!! i'll keep you posted on what the final outcome is....PLEASE say a prayer for me!!!
i'm sorry....HS = Hidradenitis Supperativa=
is a skin disease that most commonly affects areas bearing apocrine sweat glands or sebaceous glands, such as the underarms, breasts, inner thighs, groin and buttocks.

it is painful and not pretty!! mine has been on my inner left thigh....had it for over 8 years :( looks like a huge boil at its worst its the size of a golf ball! derm thinks that it could very well be a cyst....just looks so pretty (not) because it has been cut open and drained too many times therefore giving it horrible scarring. if i do not have this skin disease this is one less disease that i could pass on to my children!!!! im still waiting for the full 100% certainty but gosh what a day friday was for me!!! i wanted to see a derm right away but my GI dc kept instisting that it was a waste of time and i didnt need to....but after my first 3 remicade treatments this "thing" came back in full force within 3-5 days of receiving the remicade....the derm said that right there should have been a red flag for my docs to see that remicade treats HS not aggivates it. i regret not seeing him sooner im spent the last 6 months thinking i have crohns & HS and there is now a chance i do not have to add HS to my list of diseases!!

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