Cramps with Crohns

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May 30, 2010
I have been getting cramps really bad in my feet and calf muscles and my thighs not only at night but in the daytime aswell,they are pretty violent and cause pain for a time after.
the medication i take is methotrexate 8 tablets a week, pentasa, protium for vomiting, folic acid, Ibrufen and inhalers for asthma. does anyone else suffer these and is there a link.
I have restless leg syndrome and now this Crohns give me the same feelings even when I'm not suffering from the RLS. So, my advice is a warm bath...or heating pad. Have a loved one give you a message where your having issues.
I don't want to offer any medicine solutions because I dont know you health issues, nor am I a doctor.
I wish you the best. Peace & Blessings
I get 'em too. Dang, they're nasty.

Try drinking Tonic Water. The Quinine in it is supposed to help alleviate muscle cramps.
Hi just thought I ought to mention, Ibuprofen is not a good choice for Crohnies as it can irritate the stomach. Best to stick with paracetamol (acetaminophen). As for the cramps, it could be an electrolite imbalance (potassium and sodium). Try eating a banana everyday and something salty (if you don't already add salt to your food).
I get these very bad too. Only thing that makes them go away 100% is to go to sleep for the night... Naps don't usually help, I need a whole nights worth.
I agree with Rebecca, my first thought was it could be there's not enough salt in your diet. I never put salt on food apart from if I start getting cramps.. then they go away once I have some salt.
yeh if you are sweating, have diarrhea or vomitting then sodium imbalance is possible. Drinking loads of water can be a cause as well.
Eating salty food should help replenish it

Maybe making an isotonic drink will help:-
200ml ordinary fruit squash
800ml water
A pinch of salt


500ml unsweetened fruit juice (orange, apple, pineapple)
500ml water
A pinch of salt
thanks guys the doc gave me Ibrufen because I have significant wear and tear in my back,but I don't use salt for anything and I don't drink much water, but i like tonic water but It goes straight through me and I have a bad time the following day.will keep in mind your advice, thanks for all your xx
I'm new, I know nada about Crohns. I do know about MTX though. My daughter has uveitis, and was on methotrexate for a couple of years. I learned in the support chat for uveitis, to give her a high protein diet the day before and morning of her mtx dose. This helped her leg cramps, and her malaise.

I don't know why it made a difference, it just did (o:

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