So my body is turing back on and going at it again!! Its been so nice to have a break from this disease, but it seems like its creepin back up on me. Remicade really helped to calm things down, and Ive been doing really good. Ofcourse doing so good, I decided to eat chocolate brownies....and NO GOOD!! My stomach and intestines started up has been tough, lots of trips to the bathroom with lots of blood. Im not sure what it is, but I have some sore on my anus (TMI....sorry) and its driving me nuts, bleeds, burns, itches and just annoying. Though Ive not had a bad time with D, it seems like Im battling constipation now. So tomorrow is my 2nd Remicade and Im anxious. Worried that Im going to be really ill for a few days after as I was after my first dose. So as excited as I am to feel better, Im very skeptical, and Im learning that even though I may feel better, I still have to watch out for my self and the things I eat.