Cried for Two Weeks - Vent

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Jan 29, 2011
For a year I stayed in my apartment, went to buy groceries twice a month. Cooked everything and frozed it. I had the same GI for several years. One day he turned on me.
For several years I had few problems with CR. Then I started having problems with not making it to the bathroom in time. My belly swelled to the size of a 9 months woman. Test after test, he kelpt saying nothing is wrong.

cried and cried and cried.
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Donna Sue,
Your experience sounds horrible. I am so sorry you are having to deal with compassionless egomaniacs. I think you may be better served if you were able to find a different GI. No one should be made to feel as if their health concerns were that day's comic session.
OMG Donna, I am so, so sorry that you were treated so horribly. There is absolutely no excuse for your GI's behavior and he is a disgusting person for treating you like that.

This is completely your decision, but you may want to file a complaint against him. You DEFINITELY need to get a new GI.

Again, I am so, so sorry that happened to you. My stomach actually turned reading that.
Donna, I don't blame you at all for going home and crying for 2 weeks, I'm sure I would have done the same! Their treatment of you and their atittude was appauling...
Time to seek out another Gastro, and one with some compassion for what you are suffering. Good luck, and hoping you'll soon be feeling better.
Oh Donna, that is awful :(
I nearly wept for you reading it.

There is no way they should be allowed to get away with that behaviour, although I fully appreciate how hard it is to fight things when ill

I'm not sure if you mean Southeast England as your location but if this is the NHS you need to write up that post with some more detail and make a formal complaint to your PCT. Perhaps your son would help you do it

Definitely find another GP/GI and get some reassurance so you can get your problem sorted and, hopefully, get well :hug:

First of all I want to say I'm sorry you are having such a rough time lately. I hope you find the care that you need to feel better.

Having said that, I am wondering if there may be a mental component to what is happening to you. By this I do not mean that your GI symptoms are not real or that "nothing is wrong." I have heard stories extremely similar to this and I think if there is a mental component, then fixing that would be the first step to fixing your GI issues.

The first thing that comes to mind is B12 deficiency. Have you ever had your B12 levels checked? I would see either a PCP or a mental health professional and also get someone to check your B12 levels. If possible, print out everything you wrote on here and give your story to them.

I hope you get some answers and feel better.
What happened was in Dec. 2008.

for the first 3 months I cried, canceled appointments.
That March I started seeing a therapist. She said that I was suffering with Post Truamatic Stress Disorder. In June my father passed away.
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I am truly appalled that any doctor would treat any patient that way. He sounds insane. I sure hope you have found a more compassionate and understanding doctor. I had to fire my general doctor. When I had problems he always greeted me with, "You look well." I got sick of dealing with him and his denial that there was anything wrong with me.
Hi Donna Sue - It's really bizarre that you would have two such horrendous experiences with your colonoscopies. Every hospital has a patient advocate and you should go directly to their office after something like this happens and file a complaint.

Make sure you take someone with you to your appts to help you speak on your behalf and help ask questions that you might not remember to ask.

Good luck - Amy
I am so sorry that you are having so many problems with the doctors. I totally understand where you are coming from too, because, I too am having difficulties with the GI doc at the hospital after doing the colonoscopy and endoscopy on me patting me on the head in a very condescending way saying that I am normal and he is sending me home. Swollen stomach and all. Shame on all of these docs for the way that they make us feel. We are ill and they took an oath that they obviously don't care about.

I hope that you can find a compassionate GI doctor that will find out what is wrong so that you can start to feel better.

thank you everyone.
i am sorry about dragging this out one at a time. there is more.
i am doing this to help others.

GI sent me to labs, the nurse tells me that they are sending my blood to california to have it tested to see if you have crohn's
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my blood work proved that i have CR

the radiologist reort says
Clinical History: Crohn's disease diagnosed in 1998, now with intermittent adominal pain.
Findings: Scout KUB was performed. Double-contrast, upper GI demonstrates normal esophagel peristalsis. There is a small Zenker's diverticulum incidentally noted. The GE junction is widely patent. The gastric mucosa, peristalsis and pyloric channel are normal. There is evidence of previous cholecystecomy.
Spot images of the terninal ileum demonstrate several separated and atypical small bowel loops suspicious for imflammatory involvement consistent with Crohn's disease. There is no fixed stricture. Contrast material extends to the terminal ileum. Multiple images of the terminal ileum demonstrate edema.
Impression: Several abnormal loops of distal small bowel, particularly the terminal ileum, consistent with active Crohn's disease. No obstruction.

I am now looking for another GI.
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