Crohns and bipolar disorder

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It's ok!!! I was "diagnosed" "bi-polar" when I was 16 years old. I am now 24. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease when I was 24. I was always depressed in the winter months when I was really really sick!! My parents said I was crazy but it was just Crohn's disease. When you have a chronic illness that know one knows about, you will get super super depressed. I have been in dark places but I have not had a major depressive episode in over 2 years!!! Treat your emotions first and then the disease. It is ok to be sad. Without sadness you wouldn't enjoy the greatness that life has to offer. Personally I would get bored if I was happy all the time. It feels good to cry. I am a man and I will admit that I cry all the time
May I ask you, what meds you take for the bipolar disorder and does it make the crohns any worse - or is there no ill effect from the biopolar meds?
I take Saphris and Zoloft for bipolar. They have no effect on my Crohn's, and my mood has been stable for almost 2 years (and I'm coming out of a year+ Crohn's flare).
I am 42 and was diagnosed at 15 with a manic depressive disorder,panic attacks,and pts..
I started on Lithium and byt he time I was 21 they had me change to a newer drug. I have been on several that flared me like no tomorrow. Wellbuterin and lexapro were the worst offenders. I am on 150 mg of zoloft for 4 years now with hydroxyzine for panic and anxiety. I have not had issues with zoloft liek I did the others. I do tend to get drowsy after taking them so I take them at night. I came off the Zoloft for 2 months for testing and I have to say my CD appeared to get worse. I don't know if it is because my moods were so up and down I couldn't stand to be around that bad. Or if an antidepressant can help so much so with the stress of the CD its self.
I hope that makes sense. Good luck on your journey
I don't take anything for my mental health, just my IBD. I've always been able to deal mentally until I started having worse symptoms with my intestines and other body parts/organs. Sometimes I feel as if I'm going mad. Haha I can only laugh it off I suppose. I was diagnosed with mild bipolar disorder in my 20's and haven't really needed meds. Therapy on the other hand could very well help me. Lol
Unless we are unfortunate enough to have existing mental health issues, my own personal conviction is that depression is a SYMPTOM of flares of the disease, rather than a REACTION. When I am in a flare the whole situation seems hopeless and I have to draw on all my inner strength to get through. When I am in remission I am cool.
oh my gosh! this post just opened my eyes. I fought depression all through my teenage years and was diagnosed bipolar at 27. I started having chronic pain issues that everyone pushed off as me being lazy or in my head at around 16. I was diagnosed with crohns at 30. So is it is possible the crohns caused the bipolar. I am not taking the bipolar meds I should be right now because that is another doctor I have to go see. I manage most the time but definitive would be better on the meds. Guess I really should call my psych. considering I have been in a severe flare for 6 months and am on leave from work right now because of it. Maybe if I get back on my meds it will help my flare.?. Who knows. Thanks for this post! I would have never connected the two
As I said, this is my personal conviction only for the way the disease affects me, so don't be guided other than to consider carefully the relationship between the mental and physical issues you have to deal with. I am in remission now but still on a low dose of Amitriptyline which helps the depression smyptoms as well as associated nerve/spinal problems.
I feel the same way..when i'm in remission I'm fine but during my bad flares I sink into such a terrible depression. I'm pretty good about dealing with the mental issues on my own, but I'm starting to question whether this is really such a great idea. i think that sometimes my thoughts are just a bit too dark for me to think i'm doing to great job dealing with the emotional side. I think it may be more of a bipolar disorder. It runs in my family and I have such extreme highs and lows when I have a flare. One second I'm super happy and positive and the next I'm wishing I had a terminal disease so I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore. Any suggestions about how I should approach this with my doctor? Do I talk to my GI dr about it or a family practice physician?

Hello there.
Personally I found it better to talk to my pcp (family doc) because some GI's still don't get the connection although they first bit of info I was given was mind and body connection. Honestly I don't think they even read through a portion of they give you. If you have a family history of any kind of mental illness I would highly suggest you speak to your pcp about the ups and downs in emotion you feel. Albeit normal with CD to have emotional issues during a flare sometimes we all just need a little help coping. Above all don't let anyone tell you asking for help with your emotions is a sign of weakness. It is a sign of one wanting to better themselves and their helf.
Best Wishes in your journey. Keep us updated
Thank you. That's been my biggest hold up in getting help. I keep telling myself I can do it all by myself (its that over independence thing taking over). I hate asking for help in any kind of way but at the same time, something in me is telling me not to be prideful and do what I need to do. Your post is really encouraging...makes me feel like im not being weak or stupid for seeking help. I mean really, what can it hurt? It can't, it can only help or do nothing at all, but it definitely can't hurt. Thank you again!
You are very welcome.
Knowing that I had a mental illness prior to being diagnosed with CD, I never really was able to put the two together. No one has a "perfect" life or health and when someone says they do then of course I giggle in the back of my mind.
I was always told by my Step Father that me asking for help was a sign of weakness so I was a young adult when I finally realized "hey, if I don't help myself who is going to help in the end?" I sought out my own treatment. The days of being in dark places gradually got fewer and far between. Sadness one minute and elation the next finally started to level out. I am not saying it is all because of a pill,but the combination of that and having a safe place to talk about the emotions that ruled my life for so long, Finally I can stand up and say I am finally free from most of my dark times and am able to regulate my emotions a lot better with the help I sought out all those years ago. There used to be such a stigma about mental health,but this day and age so many seek help for things they can not control. I always say there is someone somewhere wishing they had the strength to change.

As with any other treatment time will have its place and when you least expect it you will see that the dark times have faded to happy ones. I hope this helps. No one deserves mental illness just as no one deserves CD, but in the end we ALL find our ways of coping.
Warmest regards
and God Speed
Do you mind if I add you to my prayer list on my blog? So that myself and others can pray for your continuing success...i will only put your name, not your battles

Please follow my blog too, it's on my bucket list to have a blog with over 100 followers, I'm only at 4 right now lol
Yes that would be fine and much success to you and your blog as well.
Thank you and have a blessed day
I feel the same way..when i'm in remission I'm fine but during my bad flares I sink into such a terrible depression. I'm pretty good about dealing with the mental issues on my own, but I'm starting to question whether this is really such a great idea. i think that sometimes my thoughts are just a bit too dark for me to think i'm doing to great job dealing with the emotional side. I think it may be more of a bipolar disorder. It runs in my family and I have such extreme highs and lows when I have a flare. One second I'm super happy and positive and the next I'm wishing I had a terminal disease so I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore. Any suggestions about how I should approach this with my doctor? Do I talk to my GI dr about it or a family practice physician?


I get depressed about 80% of the time but with flare ups i slip into a deeply dark place. I deal with it on my own too. I don't know why ... no energy often and having to tell the doctor and not come across as one of the "I'm a little sad, give me some pills" type! I too was wondering if I should talk to my GI dr rather than my gp, still not decided.
The highs and lows are awful. I have days when I almost giggle to myself for no reason? Then the blackness come. I have set off in the car with my happy self, singing to the radio but halfway through the journey have tears in my eyes and my son is the only thing stopping me turning the car into oncoming traffic.

Then there's the rage. I feel so very angry and hate the world so much.


Please speak with your pcp..
No one no matter if they are healthy or have CD should ever have to feel put aside from their emotions. So many people have good days and bad days, but when your emotions are so over the place it could be as simple as a chemical balance problem. You are not doomed friend. Asking for help is a sign of strength and courage. Just as you did when you were in pain and went to GI for help. You know the old saying "A mind is a terrible thing to waste?" Well when you have a healthy mind your body will follow as will your heart.

I too have been through those dark times. When I feel like I am more of a burden than a help. Like I Am always the one in the hospital or having surgery. Then when I realized my present meds weren't working I was on the hunt to feel semi normal (whatever that is) and now I have less bad days and more good ones. I have also realized the mind and body connection is stronger than I ever realized when I was younger.

Your son is your saving grace my friend. Know he needs you on good days and bad days. He can be your moon and sun, but until you fix the chemical imbalance, you will have struggles. Stand strong,take a deep breath, and please above all speak to your doctor. I promise once the realize you are having problems they will help. All the best to you in your journey to better health and happiness
Depressed and feeling hopeless.

I could post this on the vent forum but since I feel it's more mental I thought I write it here. My body is in pain, my mind is racing and my heart is numb. You'd think after all these years of having this illness, I'd be able to cope better with it than I am. However I have had all these extra aches and pains from my hips, shoulders, chest and eyes that seem to have gotten progressively worse in the past year. I found out yesterday it's due to my job. I went from housewife of 10 years, doing nothing more physically challenging than house work to heading up the mowing crew for the city. I've had this job 2 years now and LOVE IT! The aches and pains, swelling and fatigue have hit me so hard it almost brings me to my knees. I don't let it because the insurance I have with this job is awesome and pays for 80 percent of all my medical expenses. And with having 3 doctors I have to pay for I couldn't afford it without my insurance. I was told yesterday by one of my doctors that I should start thinking about finding a new profession. I gotta say that killed me. I love my job and actually look forward to going to work everyday. But this is too much on my body. I'm hoping these new meds...celebrex and a topical cream of some kind will help me with the pain and allow me to continue with this job as long as I can. But at the same time I have a 13 year old daughter who needs me to be healthy but she needs my medical insurance as well so...I need a new mind set I suppose.

I'm also in a marriage that I have been questioning for a few years now. Not because he's a jerk, or cheating on me or anything that red flags's just over the years we have grown apart. We are great friends and respect each other as such. And we live each other as family does but as far as loving each other as husband and wife?? It's jus not there. Our sex life is few and far between. Last year we talked about going our separate ways but staying close for our daughter. I had this job and knew I'd be okay financially so we talked and talked and talked some more about how to separate in the easiest less messy way. Then in between all the talking and the physically demanding work I do, I got worse. Doctor appointments and testing took place of our planning our separation and now....I don't know if we should separate afterall. He doesn't want to now. A part of me doesn't either but I don't know if it's because I'm sick and can't do it alone or if somewhere along the line we started feeling for each other again.

So now...the job that I love so much is in jepordy as well as my independence, my health is pissing me off and a marriage I was sure I didn't want anymore feels like an obligation now. And to top it off my husband has been trying to get me to relocate for his job to a town that I can't stand and now that it looks like I may end up losing my job I have no choice but to relocate with him. I see resentment in my near future!! Towards him as well as my crippled 60 year old body. Can I pay senior citizen rates when we go out to eat?? Cuz I feel like I should qualify!!!

Any advice out there as to how I change my mind set? How do I live my life without feeling like I'm settling? How do I cut out stress when I don't have an outlet? I know that a lot of my problem is stress. My job used to help with stress until I was told I shouldn't be doing it anymore, so now I'm stressed at work. I was diagnosed bipolar years ago but it wasn't severe enough for medication. Is it now I wonder???

Please!! Somebody! Anybody! Help!
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The post i just posted above is in the wrong place if anyone knows how to move it, let me know. I'm retarded when it come to technology.
I could post this on the vent forum but since I feel it's more mental I thought I write it here. My body is in pain, my mind is racing and my heart is numb. You'd think after all these years of having this illness, I'd be able to cope better with it than I am. However I have had all these extra aches and pains from my hips, shoulders, chest and eyes that seem to have gotten progressively worse in the past year. I found out yesterday it's due to my job. I went from housewife of 10 years, doing nothing more physically challenging than house work to heading up the mowing crew for the city. I've had this job 2 years now and LOVE IT! The aches and pains, swelling and fatigue have hit me so hard it almost brings me to my knees. I don't let it because the insurance I have with this job is awesome and pays for 80 percent of all my medical expenses. And with having 3 doctors I have to pay for I couldn't afford it without my insurance. I was told yesterday by one of my doctors that I should start thinking about finding a new profession. I gotta say that killed me. I love my job and actually look forward to going to work everyday. But this is too much on my body. I'm hoping these new meds...celebrex and a topical cream of some kind will help me with the pain and allow me to continue with this job as long as I can. But at the same time I have a 13 year old daughter who needs me to be healthy but she needs my medical insurance as well so...I need a new mind set I suppose.

I'm also in a marriage that I have been questioning for a few years now. Not because he's a jerk, or cheating on me or anything that red flags's just over the years we have grown apart. We are great friends and respect each other as such. And we live each other as family does but as far as loving each other as husband and wife?? It's jus not there. Our sex life is few and far between. Last year we talked about going our separate ways but staying close for our daughter. I had this job and knew I'd be okay financially so we talked and talked and talked some more about how to separate in the easiest less messy way. Then in between all the talking and the physically demanding work I do, I got worse. Doctor appointments and testing took place of our planning our separation and now....I don't know if we should separate afterall. He doesn't want to now. A part of me doesn't either but I don't know if it's because I'm sick and can't do it alone or if somewhere along the line we started feeling for each other again.

So now...the job that I love so much is in jepordy as well as my independence, my health is pissing me off and a marriage I was sure I didn't want anymore feels like an obligation now. And to top it off my husband has been trying to get me to relocate for his job to a town that I can't stand and now that it looks like I may end up losing my job I have no choice but to relocate with him. I see resentment in my near future!! Towards him as well as my crippled 60 year old body. Can I pay senior citizen rates when we go out to eat?? Cuz I feel like I should qualify!!!

Any advice out there as to how I change my mind set? How do I live my life without feeling like I'm settling? How do I cut out stress when I don't have an outlet? I know that a lot of my problem is stress. My job used to help with stress until I was told I shouldn't be doing it anymore, so now I'm stressed at work. I was diagnosed bipolar years ago but it wasn't severe enough for medication. Is it now I wonder???

Please!! Somebody! Anybody! Help!

The post may be in the wrong place but so are you and I understand. So much of what you say rings true for me. 'We' are staying together for our son or rather I am. I feel nothing physically or emotionally like my soul has died but I have decided to keep up the farce for my son. There are those who will say we should be honest with ourselves and split up but truly they do not know the realities. If the job is your island of happiness in stormy, cold seas stay with it. I don't know the answer but sometimes it is just nice to know someone understands as they are living a hellish, tormented life too.

I buy lotto tickets, dream a while and persuade myself not to drive into an oncoming truck.

Breathe in, breathe out and hope that pinprick of light at the end of the dark tunnel IS actually getting closer!

“It is the sheer ugliness and banality of everyday life which turns my blood to ice and makes me cringe in terror.”
― Jean Lorrain
I made an appointment with a therapist..should have made one directly with a psychiatrist thought because now I have to make another appointment and didn't even need the therapist appointment..but atleast i'll have someone to go to when i need it. I'm definitely bipolar and will need to be on mood stabilizers like some commenters mentioned. atleast I can start feeling emotionally normal we gotta figure out how to get me physically normal again!
I was diagnosed bipolar before crohns disease. I know the stress of the BP can set-off my crohns, and vice versa.

I'm on wellbutrin, remeron, seroquel, and depakote. None of them really mess with my crohns, just have to watch for drug interactions. Depakote is kinda hard on my intestines, but since going on the extended release it's MUCH better. They also help me keep at a healthy weight. Seroquel comes with massive weight gain, but keeps me at about 180..for being 6ft it's healthy on me.

I get really depressed during flares, I would think most people do. They don't adjust my meds for it since it's more situational, and messing with my bp cocktail can cause alot of trouble, with my moods and with crohns.

I had strep throat last week and couldn't get my depakote down, or to stay down, still leveling off this week and trying not to be manic. Spring always makes me a little hyper, and being stuck in bed recovering makes me antsy and pissed I can't do something fun like a float trip or camping.

Yea..I think I'm hypomanic today...