Crohn's and Gallbladder surgery

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Jul 23, 2011
I have been diagnosed with crohn's since 1995 and have had multiple surgeries in the past, including an ileostomy which is now reversed.
My crohn's has been in remission for a number of years now and apart from having 'short-bowel' syndrome I have been relatively symptom free.

Anyway, earlier this year I was suddenly quite unwell with what turned out to be one large gallstone, which I understand is more common in crohn's patients. So 6 weeks ago I had an open cholecystectomy. This has cured all the pain and sickness I was getting which is great. But, I have been left with chronic diarrhea. Its a nightmare - I feel like I have got back years to when I was at my worst with the crohns. I'm now getting scared to eat anything anywhere except home. I'm not sure how I'm going to cope at work all day without wanting to eat anything.

Has anyone been through similar problems after a cholecystectomy? Is there anything that can help? I understand from the surgeon that it is because there is now a constant flow of bile into my gut. He wants to see me again in a few weeks to see if it has improved any before deciding what to do next.
Thanks for reading!
I had a lap cholecystectomy 10 days ago. My diarrhea is about the same as before the surgery (2-3x/day, not really formed but not watery). I did have a couple days of watery diarrhea, but I think that was thanks to McDonald's. I have been getting nauseous more often, though.
Hi there, Jozee! I don't have any experience with a cholecystectomy, but I wanted to welcome you to the forum. I am sorry you had to undergo this procedure, which has you feeling unwell again. I sure hope this is only a temporary side effect of the operation, and you will feel better soon.

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