Crohn's and Migraines

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Sep 6, 2011
I was just curious to see if anyone else suffers migraines with their Crohn's? I'd never had a migraine until 1999 and I experienced at least one for each of my three pregnancies and that was it for a while. Then, I had my resection in 2003, and in January of 2004 my husband had to go to Iraq for 18 months, that's when they really kicked in and were occurring on a daily basis. He came home in May of 2005 and consequently was honorably discharged from the military, yet I still struggle with migraines very frequently. So I'd like to hear from any of you guys who suffer from them or have a family member or friend that goes through this.
I have been getting migraines for a couple weeks now. I just overload on sleepy time tea whenever i get them and try and get some rest. I asked a couple doctors why I am getting such severe headaches and none had a real answer.
I got my first migraine right at the same time I got my first Crohn's symptoms. Soon after I was having migraines three times a week and I thought I was never going to be able to work (I was incapacitated, lying on the bathroom floor and vomiting) or would be dead soon. I tried Amitriptyline and Topiramate as preventives and they did nothing. Topiramate did make my face twitch constantly though. I asked about going off of birth control but my docs resisted the idea. Finally I did it on my own and it made a HUGE difference! My doc put me on propranolol as a preventive but I'm not sure how much that did. I stopped taking that after my surgery because it was questionable whether my BP was going too low.

I still can't go more than a few days without a migraine, but they're not constant. I could not live without Imitrex. I am smart about when and how much of it I take so that I don't get medication overuse headache (basically your migraine comes back as you withdraw off of what you took for it). I get migraines when I menstruate and ovulate, and in between if I aggravate it (by being in the heat or exercising in the heat).

I chalk it up to my body just really likes inflammation. Inflammation in my brain and inflammation in my guts. Lately lots of inflammation in my joints. I tell my body too much inflammation is bad for me, but it doesn't listen.
Thanks guys for the replies. I've been on Amitriptyline before and just couldn't tolerate it. It kept me drowsy beyond anything I've ever experienced, even on the lowest dose. I tried it for over six months and I was almost like a walking zombie. At times I heard people talking to me but I was so exhausted and sleepy that it was like I didn't comprehend them. Also, I can't take Imitrex as I'm allergic to it; we're talking throat swelling shut allergic.

The only thing I take for acute migraines is Maxalt 5mg and Fioricet. I only take them when I feel them getting bad. Astra, I tried cutting out all forms of caffeine, including chocolate. Even after seven months with no caffeine, and at that time I didn't have migraine meds, it was excruciating. I pretty much don't take anything for them unless I feel one beginning to shift into a more painful phase with light/sound sensitivity, dizziness and nausea. Other than that, I either deal or try Excedrin migraine first.

I've also been trying relaxation techniques to help ease or displace the pain. Occasionally, it works. :) I was just curious to see how many other Crohn's sufferers also deal with the migraine menace.
I took Maxalt until Imitrex went generic. Then my insurance wouldn't pay for it anymore so I had to switch. From what I can tell they have worked equally well for me.

I've tried to "ride out" migraines in the past, either in denial that they will get bad or attempting to get through. This never works out for me. The triptans work so much better if you take them early, and my migraines without fail become unbearable.
Unfortunately since Maxalt doesn't have a generic (one that I'm aware of anyway) I'm only allowed 12 tablets every 25 days. If I try to get it before the 25 day period is up it will cost me about $385!!! But it works. I finally got my doc to prescribe the 10mg and I can half them, that way I don't worry about using it up to quick, unless I'm having a migraine that lasts for several days. Thank goodness those are more infrequent than they used to be. :) If I wasn't allergic to the Imitrex my insurance company probably wouldn't pay for the Maxalt either. I've also tried Relpax, Midrin, and several others. Since the Maxalt and Fioricet help, I'm not messing with it.

It just seems that menstrual hormones trigger a nasty migraine every month that can last from 2-5 days, depending on the severity and stress. I've tried to "ride out" some migraines but you're right...some times it's an epic fail.

Last year I had such a severe migraine that I went to the ER three times in a week. Two of the visits the doc tried to give me Morphine. I adamantly refused and he asked me why. I told him, "You're the doc; you went to med school. Morphine will back it down but it will give me a rebound headache that's worse than what it was". I even begged to be admitted for observation. My bp is normally 110/60, and both visits it was in the vicinity of 154/100 and 190/110.

The ER physician asked what would he be admitting me for since the ct came back normal. I told him that maybe they needed to watch me to make sure I didn't stroke out, for one.

My third visit in that same week....the doc did something I'd never heard of or experienced. He took Lidocaine and injected the area over my right eye and released a nerve that was contributing to the migraine. I actually got 18 hours of pain relief with no other med!!! :) I was so excited about that.

Now, I just deal with it and suck it up and refuse to go to the ER unless I'm constantly vomiting and on the verge of syncope due to dehydration and pain. My motto is: someone, somewhere, always has it worse than I do. It certainly could always be worse. I'm just grateful for what I've got.
Wow! I can't even imagine...

I have considered botox. The trigeminal nerve is the culprit that can sometimes be relieved by botox injections to the forehead. That's probably where the doc injected the lidocaine. It's just expensive (I am sure my insurance will not cover it), but a lot of migraine sufferers inadvertently noticed relief after getting botox for cosmetic reasons. I am still wary of the systemic effects it might have!

Sometimes when my migraines don't respond quickly enough to the triptans I take some of the Dilaudid I have left from my surgery. There's just no relief.

My latest theory is that my migraines are caused by me clenching my teeth in my sleep. This is what causes the extremely tense muscles in my face and irritates the nerves.
My migraines aren't nearly as bad as everything else that's been talked about in this thread - but, yes, when my gut illness started my migraines did too. I had exactly one migraine in the first 29 years of my life, and when this gut illness hit just before I turned 30, I started getting migraines about once per month. I get the weird visual auras beforehand, I get the sensitivity to light, and I get some nausea with them too. Fortunately 25 mg of Amitriptyline seems to prevent them pretty well for me, it seems like I am lucky after reading everything else in this thread! But, long story short, I would have to say that migraines are definitely a symptom or extra-intestinal manifestation of this gut illness (I'm still undiagnosed by the way, although I've almost certainly got some form of IBD).

Nic, I'm a teeth clencher as well, although I always have been, so I don't think that's the culprit for me since the migraines started at the same time as the gut issues.
oh i take Maxalt as well it's amusing.

Humira gave me migraines or migraines like headaches.

TMJ goes with inflammatory conditions.
I had only two migraines in my life prior to Remicade in 1999, and I've had Crohns since 1986. A Neurologist prescribed gapapentin for migraine preventive back then, and I haven't been able to lower my dosage without return of migraine, even after I quit using Remicade (because of allergic reactions and couldn't tolerate the migraines).

About six to eight months into using Humira every other week, I began having migraines again and daily headaches. My new neurologist (we've moved) added Norvasc, a calcium channel blocker. I also have Maxalt. I can't tolerate birth control pills because they contribute to migraine for me, too.

I won't quit using Humira. My PCP recommended the book Heal Your Headache the 1-2-3 Program for Taking Charge of Your Pain. It's helped me the most because it taught me about threshold and triggers. By avoiding as many triggers as possible, I rarely get migraine now and can continue Humira. I do have daily headache, but I just live with it. My family tolerates the closed curtains without complaining much. The contrast from outside light to inside spikes up a headache nearly instantly. I carry earplugs in my purse. I make as much food from scratch as I can to avoid triggers in prepared foods.

outlier, did you mean that Maxalt was amusing? I had an amusing experience with it once after taking the second dose. I felt as though my eye balls were at the back of my skull, just for a short while until I fell asleep. When I woke the migraine had abated.
I grit my teeth, too. In fact, I've been dealing with a particularly nasty migraine this evening. One of those where I can't rest, can't sleep, so might as well try to get stuff done. I keep telling myself, 'This too shall pass'. I don't usually have auras, and I don't always get terrible nausea. Occasionally I experience horrible dizziness (so bad that I have to crawl to the bathroom or wherever I need to go in the house). I'm praying that since I've started a new med (Apriso) that my gut will get back under control, as will the migraines. That's the silver lining I'm aiming for. :)

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