Crohns and University

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Apr 28, 2011
Im applying to university and on my initial application i stated that i had crohns.. they sent me a form to fill out. My crohn's is currently (and has been for many years) mildly active so hasnt had a large impact on my education but im aware that it could flare so im not sure how to answer these questions... Any advice?

In order that we may be able to help you to study here, we would appreciate some information from you relating to your disability/medical condition.

a) How would you describe the effects of your disability/medical condition?

b) What extra help do you think you may need to follow your course?
(Or, if you wish, describe ways in which you have been helped before.)
I included crohns in my application and they set me up with the disability office at the school. It's probably the best thing I've ever done, and my crohns isnt very active either.

I have a doctors note basically stating that I could potentially miss school days because of flare ups, and if I'm in class, I might have to leave early because of pain, etc. I've never had any problems staying in class, but it really helped me when I had surgery last month and it really helped me get help from the teachers so I don't fail. Because of this they gave me an extra 60 days to write my finals without it affecting my mark.
Hi KWalker,

Any idea where I can find info relating to this on the university sites (ie area on site, department, etc.)? My son is applying to universities now as well (in Ontario).

I applied for this two years ago in the UK, I am in my third year at the moment.

Just think about how it could possibly effect you. Say that the majority of the time you are like..... and say how it is an unpredictable illness, which could flare up at any time.
For the a) Talk about your symptoms, tiredness, how long you can do work, travelling to hospital appointments, having regular doctors appointments, blood tests, constant medication. Say how it is an unseen illness which can make it difficult for people to understand.
For the b) Think about what you could want that would help you. Simple things like, sitting on the edge so you can make a dash to the toilet. Access to lecture notes that you may miss. And probably most importantly - access to an en suite bedroom?

I was so pleased to have the disability help for my studies. I am in my third year now and they have helped a lot. The meeting about my needs was very helpful, they thought about a lot of things that I didn't.

In the end I recieved a laptop, with the idea that I can work if I can't make it to class. A digital voice recorder - I'f I'm too tired to listen/take notes. I also got a printer, a lap desk, so I can work in bed. Money to spend on photocopying, books, and even the extra cost of an en suite bedroom in the halls of my choice. They will probably offer to buy you any specialist softwear you need on your computer too.

I think in total I got about £4,000 worth of equipment/spending. Defo worth it!
Good Luck with your application!
Tesscorm, I deal with my schools disability office. What do you mean by "Where would you find it?" I think I found out about it while on the schools website, and then spoke to the disability office in person once I got there. I noticed youre from Toronto. Where is your son applying to in Ontario? Because you're asking, I'm assuming your a parent to a child with IBS/IBD?

I was at Niagara College and now at Brock and love it. I'll be at Brock for a long time with my schooling, and it's an awesome school. Is your son considering it?
Here in the states we have an office of disability like KWalker was talking about in Canada, but I'm not sure how it is in Ireland. They deal with students with all types of disabilities and are very accommodating. Through them I got my own dorm room with it's own bathroom (which are few and far between on my campus).

Anyways, for your application just state how Crohn's is significant in your life... fatigue, frequent need of the bathroom, pain, need for privacy, demanding medication regime, etc. Be clear and honest with yourself when you think of what all to put down. Often I'm so used to certain things from Crohn's that I don't think them worth mentioning. Be sure to put all those things down for this though!
Hello Kb,
At my university, I am recognized as having a Major Functional Disability. I had to fill a form on which the doctors had to explain what could cause my need of having part time studies instead of full time (to be considered full time student even though I have less classes due to the fact I can't always have the full time schedule with the disease active since stress and tiredness can increase the symptoms.) So there were box on the form to fill, these might give you ideas to fill your form, I'm just gonna link the ones that could be pertaining to Crohn's as some are more oriented towards GAD, ADHD, etc.:
-Class attendance issues (due to illness itself or mandatory routine exams and tests)
-Difficulty in managing a schedule and deadlines (due to the same as above)
-Possible difficulty maintaining an adequate level of energy throughout the day (fatigue)
There also could be the need of special accommodation to pass your exams:
Example: if you have a flare or a bad period, it is possible you may not want to get up and bring all the attention on you to go out (here we are not allowed to go to the bathroom during exams so I suppose it's the same everywhere which might not be but well...). So I could ask them to allow me to have a different local to do the exams with the possibility to go if needed.)
I had one of those when I lived on-campus and it was great.
Can't describe how excellent it is. Last year before I set up with the disability office my dorm had communal bathrooms and I literally would only go in the middle of the night...I had to plan my whole life around where and when I could poop without having to cringe and feel like a total freak. This was in a mild post surgery flare & c.diff and it was a nightmare...

Point being...I am free from that and it feel SO good :thumright: [kb1, request this above all else, you do not need the communal bathroom anxiety!]
Great info! Thanks everyone, and thanks KB1 for starting this thread!

Kwalker - Yes, it is my son who has crohns. Unfortunately, he did not apply at Brock (certainly would have been nice for him to 'know' someone there!:)). He applied at universities in Toronto, McMaster and Guelph. I didn't realize that there were disability offices/departments - we'll certainly look into that once he decides where he will be attending. I suppose I was asking if there was a specific area to search within the schools' websites??? But, we'll spend some time searching... I'm sure we'll find something. Thanks again!
Hey Tess,

I don't know how things work there but there are two ways here to receive disability services. In the last year of high school you apply through the Educational Access Scheme at school and that automatically flags you to the disability unit of the university you choose to enrol at (Just double check with your school careers officer if something similar exists there) or when you start university you present yourself there with the relevant paperwork. I would well imagine all universities have them. This is the site of the university that Sarah attends so it may give you some idea of what to look for...

Do you have student unions there?
Sarah is employed at the university as the welfare officer. The student union has representatives for disability as well that students can access.

Dusty. xxx
Tess, yes it would have been cool to know somebody at Brock as well lol. I'm not from St. Catharines so I literally don't know anybody, so I'm here strictly to focus on school.
I was actually in the disabilty office and I think it actually said something a long the lines of "Student Success Center for disabilities" It was something like that
Thanks everyone for all the links and info! We will definitely be looking at each school's disability services and taking that into account before any acceptances. Appreciate all the responses! :)

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