Hello Everyone
I am also very sorry about you dad. I wish both of you the best.
FYI-below is my experience and what I know about Agent Orange.
Agent Orange was a mixture of two compounds, 2-4-D and 2-4-5-T. 2-4-5-T, synthesized prior to 1970, was contaminated with 2-3-7-8-T which is very toxic to humans. 2-4-5-T was banned in food production, with the exception of rice, long before 1970. To the best of my recollection, it was used in US rice production and as a broad leaf killer until the early eighties. 2-4-5-T was taken off the US market due to a by product (a form of dioxin) in the manufacturing process. It is still used in many parts of the world.
I sprayed, by hand, a lot of 2-4-5-T, during the summers of 1968 and 1969 while working for the Rice Branch Experiment Station, located outside of Stuttgart, Arkansas. I am the first one in my family to have Crohn's. I have had cancer, eye problems, and kidney problems. The type cancer I had runs in my family. The other problems do not.
There was nothing special about Agent Orange. The components were (are) both commonly used in agriculture. They were often combined (Agent Orange) to offer a broader spectrum. Both chemicals were (are) inexpensive and very effective. 2-4-D is still commonly used.
Nobody wore protective gear when we applied the chemical(s) including the scientists, administrators, etc. I am not trying to place blame on my employer (Government). I am curious if the manufactures had knowledge of the problems. I am also interested in your comments as to any problem(s) any of you, that were exposed to 2-4-5-T or Agent Orange prior to 1970, may have experienced.
Thank you very much and good luck.