Crohns exclusive diet update

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my little penguin

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Staff member
Apr 15, 2012
Ds is still drinking 8 peptamen jr a day plus food
The crohns exclusive diet is working
Bm and abdominal pain have significantly decreased

Adding food to the diet is slow and frustrating for Ds but
Is well worth it .

He currently eats zucchini eggplant squash cantaloupe
Eggs potatoes ( limit 2 per day only on per meal ) tomatoes
Watermelon strawberries honey dew bananas cooked apples
Onions /leeks , salmon, rice flour , honey , avacados and herbal tea

Things that he has failed
Garbanzo beans
Black eyed peas
All other fish banned ( he has a fish allergy to rainbow trout )

Maybe pile

After lots of ups and downs he should finally be off of Pred next Thursday ( he has been on Pred since April 16th).
That makes trailing food so much easier

I thought I would start this as a recipe idea thread since I know others are trying the diet as well
We *were* trying. At one point she was in a little flare from a virus and started losing weight, so all logic went out the window and my only goal was calories. I had misplaced guilt, too, about all the restrictions.

I'm really encouraged reading your progress, MLP. I hope you have continued success! Maybe we'll go back to it at some point in the future.
Completely understandable
I think if Ds response wasn't so strong I wouldn't have made it this far
A time we give him a food that isn't a pass
His symptoms come back with a vengeance quickly ( hours of the food ) and it's very repeatable so ... Even if I wanted to go back at this point to a full diet - he knows and I know he would be sick quickly .
The difference is night and day
Other times we tried eliminating this and that but never saw improvement
This is the first full elimination diet that we have seen such results
I think it's very individualized
Our plan is to stick as close to the original diet as possible with modifications for Ds
It's not as restrictive if you can find recipes that work
Recently found
Potato pancakes
Orange honey salmon
Angel food cake ( eggs /rice /honey)
Cookies( nut /rice/honey variations)
Pudding( rice/cocoa /banana variations )
Breads ( quick bread and regular ( potato /nut /rice based variations)
Pancakes ( nut /rice based)
Pizza ( nut/rice crust variations)
Zucchini noodles for pasta and wraps for tacos
Ice cream ( coconut or nut based plus eggs/honey )

I think because Ds has basically been doing this finding acceptable things
Recipes took a lot of time but once you have them
It's ok again
If I tried to just cook my normal meals them Ds would basically have few good tasting meals and the diet would not work at all
I never realized how restrictive I was being with my kids diet until I was forced to find new alternatives.
Your doing great mlp ( may I just say how happy I am that your back to mlp:ybiggrin:)