i'm a bit wierd! I was bad through my teens and uni, i was in hospital a couple of times but it was always put down to IBS, i had my son when I was 21 and was ok through pregnancy, and amazing through the two years of breastfeeding, but as soon as I stopped I ended up in hospital for a couple of weeks they were useless and just treated the symptoms and blockage, i felt awful!!! luckily it gradually settled back down after a couple of months. 5 years later i fell pregnant again, i hadn't really had much bother with my 'IBS' for a few years. when I was 7 months pregnant with my daughter I fell really ill and was stuck on the loo constantly and was bleeding really heavy, it was put down to pregnancy problems, i lost 5 pints of blood and ended up in hospital for nearly 3 months getting blood transfusions and all sorts of drugs. i was in till my daughter was born, and on quite a few occassions they were planing on doing c-section and giving me an ileostomy! I fought against it like mad!!!!! i had my daughter, she was really small, against advice i breastfed again and very quickly got well and got off nearly all meds and was controlling my then finally diagnosed crohns by diet and breastfeeding. i fed her for 2 and a half years ( longer than my son due to fears of stopping) I stopped feeding her and straight away fell ill again, ended up on steroids for 13 months, no drugs were working and i couldn't cope anymore, i was told to take the surgery as I was getting worse and would end up an emergency. so in may I did take the plunge, i now have an ileostomy and they changed my diagnosis to ulcerative colitis but you can never really trust them on that! i have been really well since the op! i do wonder though whast will happen if I decide to have another.