Crohns has changed my life!!!!!

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Jul 26, 2011
Hi all I'm new to all this but this is my story!
I've always had problem going to the toilet but I never but it down to anything, then at 22 I found out I was pregnant but while I was pregnant I started getting bleeding which I found a little weird. I mentioned it to my doctor but could not investigate because I was pregnant. After I gave birth became extremely ill where I could not eat, stomach pains, abbess on my body and all my joints swelled and I could not move them, I was in alot of pain and very upset where I could not even pick up my daughter, I got very depressed where I could not even leave the house. I lost 2 and a half stone in 2 months, I went down to 6 stone (I've always wanted to be skinny but not that skinny) My doctor was rubbish and just kept giving me painkillers and would not listen to what was happening to my body so I didn't get diagnosed with crohns till a year later and was diagnosed with inflammatory aurthris. As soon as I was diagnosed I was given my medication which sorted it all out, and I was so happy!!!
But then it hit again one night I was in so much pain I could not move, not even turn over in my bed so I had to get an ambulance where I spent 4 days in hospital and got let out on my birthday, they said it was crohns and it was effecting my appendix. Since then I have been in so much pain and no steroid has helped. I have had to keep having days off work and every week my doctor sends me home with a different medication.. I don't know how they think I can do it be a mum, go to work, be a housewife and be me!!!
At the mo I have a lump in the right side of my stomach and it just won't go but will see doctor on thursday and find out more.
I'm having a good day today but sometimes I have to drag myself out of bed I'm tired of it taking over my life!!!
It's really helped reading other stories
Faye xxxxxx
Hi Faye and welcome! This disease can take a toll on a person both physically and mentally, and I am sorry to hear you are having a tough go with it right now. What medications have you been on and what are you currently taking? Some treatment options need months to take effect - have you given each a fair shot?

I wish you luck with your appointment on Thursday. I sure hope your doctor can figure out what the lump is from and get you feeling better. Hang in there!
Ah Faye I am so sorry you are having such a rough go of it..
Perhaps your doctor has given you different meds each time
to try to hit on one that really works well for you.

Welcome to the forum..
and please let us know how you get on on Thursday.

Healing Hugs~Nancy
Hi Faye. I really hope that you can get some good help and advice on Thursday. I am not surprised you are fed up. I am new to it too but certainly feel alot better just for chatting on here. I think I get more advice on this than at the doctors even though so far my doc has been good. Wishing you well asap.
Hi i was just recently dignosed with crohns, but i got sick right after my son was born in 2009.. i was always going the bathroom and lost alot of weight. I went to a couple different doctors one said it was hormonse. then the other said that it was stress. so i finally went to another doctor and about going there for 6 months he sent me to to get tests done and it came back as crohns. But it took 2 years! I totolly know how you feel about loosing yourself, it is so hard somedays to be a mom, wife, and housewife. somedays i dont want to get out of bed either. I am curently on prednisone which helped but also i found myself gaining wieght. Lets just say i no longer feel sexy anymore and some days you just feel like crying. But dont give up i know it will get better! I am waiting to hear back from the doctor and i might go on humaria i heard that works well..

I do have a question for anyone that can answere it. How do you know that you are in remission? Because ever sence i started prednisone i still go the bathroom not as much tho and the stomach pains have almost completly gone. but i can tell when i poop it is skinny so im gussing that is because my intstines are still flammed so will the ever not be inflammed? am i in remmision right now? what would happen if i went of prednisone would i just go right back to diarreha and pain?