Hey guys. Not sure why I didn’t think to do this sooner so I could get some feedback and support from people who may be going through something similar as I have for a while. This journey of mine dealing with all of these bumps in the road has been going on since, maybe 2011-2012? And still going. I am a 26 year old male. Kind of active with the exercising and eating alright. I first noticed my symptoms of being constipated and my lower stomache just aching with pain when I was 22/23 years of age. Sorry if I get a little too graphic. I do apologize. When I would use the restroom, I would have to push hard, my stools would not budge and blood would come out and lots of it. I would be in the bathroom for almost 20-25 minutes when I have those flare ups. The blood would either be bright red or a little rose red either dripping down or on my stool. I had two colonoscopies done. One in 2013 and the other this year about two months ago actually. I’ve done blood tests, stool tests, etc. All came back normal. I was put on Canasa for a while but was taken off per doctors orders. But apparently what’s weird is, after my second colonoscopy, I’ve noticed I’ve been bleeding a lot more lately. Like every other day. I have not contacted my physician yet which I should but I can’t be affording bills after bills, especially when they’re saying I’m okay. I had a gastroenterologist speaking about what it could be or grow into. Saying Crohn's, IBS, Cancer which got me worried but never diagnosed me appropriately. If I could get some responses from y’all, if I may ask, what are your symptoms like? And could you compare ? Most times when blood comes out of my stools, it’s really painful, and I can’t sit down and I get bloated. I also suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. Not sure if that may be the cause since I don’t normally get them when I’m using the bathroom. Thanks guys for listening. This is just shortage of what I go through every day with these challenges. I hope to have people in this world to know and understand what I feel and go through so I’m not alone in this. Sometimes I get really scares and cry with the amount of blood that I lose day by day and what If it gets infected in there because I’m assuming there must be a cut/open wound that just won’t heal. Oh and I have no hemorrhoids. Thanks guys for reading.