Crohn's in College Support Group

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This is a great idea for a thread! I started university in September and I'm pretty sure I'm flaring. I have a colonoscopy next week but thankfully term doesn't start again until the Monday after that so hopefully I'll be okay to go back!!
You're sure right about that! I'm 16-turning-17 this year and been constantly shuffling between school and the hospital for about 2.5 years now, first regarding my heart condition, now regarding Crohn's. Most of my teachers tend to wonder why I've got to attend so many medical appointments and some of my classmates even suspect that I'm playing truant because of that. :/

This support group is really appreciated, and I hope we can all get through school knowing that there are people here who understand what we're going through. :)

Good luck for your colonoscopy, emmaaaargh! Looking forward to hearing some good news from you soon! :D
Wow! I wonder if we can actually get this thread going.
Finals are next week and we all know what that study stress beings... more flares!
Ugh! Definitely. I had my first exam of the season yesterday and in the three days running up to it I was using the bathroom way more than usual. I felt bad for my housemates because I was in there so much!! Not to mention that while trying to get my assignments done earlier this month I had another obstruction. I can't wait for them to be over so I can go home and relax for a good few months :)
I've always wondered how other people deal with this. It's so hard scheduling appointments!

I'm a nursing student and I have been able to have Mondays off so those have been my 'doctor days'. But I'm fixing to start going Monday-Friday 8-5 with some 12hr clinicals thrown in. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to miss some days, because of the doctor.

I've always been jealous of the other students. They would get to spend their days off studying, meanwhile I am at the doctor getting infusions and laying in bed feel like junk.