Crohns - Newly Diagnosed, new to forum too! Long post, sorry.

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Oct 4, 2011
Hello everyone. My name is Jen, I'm twenty-three. This is my first time posting to a support/Crohn's forum. I apologize if this is a slightly rambling post but there's a bit to explain here, and I'm exhausted and just recently out of the hospital, as well as on a low fiber diet (lack of meat is really wearing me out!)

I believe I've had Crohn's for years, as I've always struggled to keep my weight on, to eat without pain (half the time I never had an appetite), I struggle with fatigue, my teeth are in terrible condition despite my attempts to take great care of them (I've clearly not been absorbing my nutrients.)

I'd been to multiple doctors over the years. I've seen a ton in the last two years, as I dropped down to 97 pounds, I'm 5'7" so I knew something was seriously wrong. I've always only been able to achieve maybe 118lbs at the highest... Which that only lasted two months. I usually stay around 103-106lbs (until lately, I'll explain that in a bit.) I'd been to a few GI doctors and told them I suspected I had Crohn's, but I merely got brushed off, no colonoscopy, nothing. At one point one tried to say it was my kidneys, and ran me through a battery of tests for my kidneys.

In January of this year I decided enough was enough. I got tired of my fellow college students whispering about me in the halls (you can only listen to 'she looks like she has an eating disorder/worms/AIDS/etc. so much before you get sick of it). I decided to try drinking a GNC weight gainer with 2200 calories in it. It helped me to get up to 136lbs, which was a miracle and a half! I changed my diet completely, I used to eat very healthily, I didn't make myself eat that way, I was just naturally attracted to healthy foods! So I knew that in order to gain weight, I'd have to mix up healthy with fattening foods as well, especially to keep my weight on.

Everything went well until the last two or three months. The pain when I'd eat started to come back, but it wasn't severe. I'm a chronic pain sufferer, I have migraines 15 days out of each month, so I have a pretty high pain tolerance (tack on hip dysplasia, and endometriosis and the pain tolerance shots up higher.)

September brought severe fatigue, I couldn't stay up for more than two hours at a time, and I started to develop this strong burning/searing feeling in my stomach/abdomen. This came after I had a tugging feeling when I'd urinate (I'd assumed it was merely caused by an overly rough pap-smear I'd just endured a week or so previous). I lacked a fever, but I had some vomiting and diarrhea, alongside the burning/searing feeling, which I had assumed was simply a flu-bug. I'd spoken with my cousin, her fiance, and a best friend of mine and they'd all had a flu-bug that presented itself in the same manner, so I brushed it off.

Three weeks into this searing feeling in my gut, I started to think about the fact that if it were in fact a flu-bug causing this fatigue and burning, it should have passed already. To top it all off, by this time, I'd started my time of the month, so my cramps were overriding any other pain signals. I also had gotten to the point where I couldn't do anything other than urinate. I chalked this up to my endometriosis, as it gets really painful for me to do anything other than pee when I'm on my menstrual cycle.

Last Monday night though, the pain turned into stabbing, knife like pains. I assumed (because I'd been told there was nothing wrong with me by countless GIs and doctors, and to increase my fiber in my diet due to my claims of having repeated bouts of diarrhea) that I was merely constipated and that the pains were from being so backed up, and having not eaten much in the last few days. Then, I couldn't burp without feeling extreme nausea. I slept perhaps an hour that night due to the severity of the pain, but alas, the pain did not exceed what I usually endured with a migraine, so I allowed this to go on until Tuesday morning (I know, pretty stupid of me.)

Finally my mother talked me into going to see our family doctor, who then told me she thought it was a stomach ulcer, and to go and have a CT scan done just to make sure it hadn't perforated anything. After waiting three hours for the CT scan to be done, I was questioned repeatedly by the nurses regarding whether or not I was allowed to go home. This, frankly, freaked me out. No one would tell me what was going on. Eventually my doctor called the hospital, and told me to get to the ER immediately, that they had found a mass in my stomach and that I would need more tests done.

When we got to the ER, it was explained to me that they had found a softball size mass in my stomach, where the small intestine and the large intestine meet, and that they thought it may be Crohns, but I would have to stay overnight and have more tests run to figure out what exactly it was. By this time, I had no pain whatsoever. (Funny how that works, isn't it? It's like when you try to take a sick child to the doctors, once you get there, it's like zero symptoms are present!)

They admitted me that night (my first hospital admission ever) and explained that I'd be on a fluids diet until Wednesday, when I would prep for a colonoscopy. I did the prep, and Thursday was the procedure. They found out that the mass was inflammation, and that my small intestine's opening had swollen down to a pencil sized opening. I stayed on liquids for three days until my release Friday. They gave me Pentasa as my maintenance drug, no steroids (as of yet), and I'm on a low fiber diet. I have the occasional pang in my stomach, which I assume is to be expected when you can hardly eat/process any solid foods. Meat is strictly out of my diet currently.

I had to have a small bowel follow through today, which went over okay, I assume. We were told about two feet of my small intestine are affected by Crohns, and that they can't see any scarring, but they're not sure. I lack 'skip lesions', which is a plus.

To be honest, I'm kind of freaked out by this whole thing. I worry that I will have to be admitted again, that I may require surgery. I'm new to having any serious medical ailments going on, so it's a whole new experience for me. It explains a ton of things that have plagued me throughout my years, but it's scary too. I have two doctors appointments in the next two weeks regarding my tests and diagnosis. I hope they go well.

I'm appreciative to have this whole thing diagnosed, but I am nervous about what my future holds with the diagnosis. Anyways, that's my whole bit. Hopefully I haven't rambled too much, I had no idea where to even start... Plus the exhaustion makes stringing together thoughts and sentences pretty difficult.

So, hello to everyone. I'm grateful to have a forum for this. I think it will be a great help and a wonderful place to go for support, as I don't really know anyone else with Crohns. Sorry again for the long post. :pale:
:welcome: to the forum!!! We know your pain, thoughts, and what you have been through. I had to have surgery as my intestines were so narrow I kept getting bowel obstructions, and worse than having a child in labour natural!! I was so scared to get another one I opted for surgery. It took a long time for me to get the initial diagnosis. But I have to tell ya, I got 12 inches taken out laproscopically and was great for 7 years and because I was in denial I didnt look after myself as well as I should of, I smoked (not heavy) and had alcohol and major stresses in the year 2000 so I should of been careful and then it led to my second surgery. Never been right since but the doctor was a moron and too bloody old, he should of retired. I now have a great Gi, and Gp, and basically control my pain on my own. Being 20 years diagnosed you get used to some pain.

I know you don't want to be admitted again , not one likes to be there either. Glad you joined us and hope to see you around. Keep us posted on how you are doing!

Hope you get relief soon~
:welcome: to the forum!!! We know your pain, thoughts, and what you have been through. I had to have surgery as my intestines were so narrow I kept getting bowel obstructions, and worse than having a child in labour natural!! I was so scared to get another one I opted for surgery. It took a long time for me to get the initial diagnosis. But I have to tell ya, I got 12 inches taken out laproscopically and was great for 7 years and because I was in denial I didnt look after myself as well as I should of, I smoked (not heavy) and had alcohol and major stresses in the year 2000 so I should of been careful and then it led to my second surgery. Never been right since but the doctor was a moron and too bloody old, he should of retired. I now have a great Gi, and Gp, and basically control my pain on my own. Being 20 years diagnosed you get used to some pain.

I know you don't want to be admitted again , not one likes to be there either. Glad you joined us and hope to see you around. Keep us posted on how you are doing!

Hope you get relief soon~

Thank you very much for your post! Denial can be a blessing and a curse sometimes, yeah? I know they've discussed a possible bowel resection for me, but they're not sure if it will come to it. Did the initial surgery create a ton of long term pain? Sorry to hear your second surgery didn't go as well due to a dumb doctor!!! I know how that can go, my mother nearly died having me due to a botched procedure on the doctor's part! They can really mess up sometimes!! I'm a former smoker/drinker, I know they say that can really cause flare ups and such. Glad you're taking care of yourself now though -- but I can understand the denial. Stress doesn't help any either!! I'm under a decent deal of stress currently due to how horribly botched the hospital stay has made my Uni semester!!

Thanks again for the post, and I hope all is well with you and your health!! :D
Wow you have been through alot! I'm also newly diagnosed and i'm only 16 :( +'ve been in hospital for 12 days now, i'm on countless drugs and i'm having to be fed a special liquid diet through a tube due to my extreme nausea and vomiting. I used to weigh 11 stone and 8 weeks later i was 7 stone, i completely lost my appetite just like you. I wish you all the luck with crohns and i hope you don't get any major flare ups! :)
Your welcome! My first surgery was a piece of cake, not much pain, and got mobile asap, if I had of looked after myself better, I wouldnt of had the stupid 2nd one. Just avoiding a 3rd, but I have done so much research and my daughter is in 3rd year kenesiology and psychology and research. She is trying to do a project now but will tell more when she is finished, she wants me to get better.

If you do choose to have surgery rather than being on so many meds that destroy our bodies at your young age, I would do it and then behave not Not put the disease in a "I am cured" stage. Anytime you need questions answered many here to help you out.

Look Aaron is helping too !! ;)
Wow you have been through alot! I'm also newly diagnosed and i'm only 16 :( +'ve been in hospital for 12 days now, i'm on countless drugs and i'm having to be fed a special liquid diet through a tube due to my extreme nausea and vomiting. I used to weigh 11 stone and 8 weeks later i was 7 stone, i completely lost my appetite just like you. I wish you all the luck with crohns and i hope you don't get any major flare ups! :)

Oh man, Aaron. I'm sorry to hear that! As I said on your visitor page, I'll be praying for healing and relief for you from that nasty nausea! The loss of appetite is really scary, isn't it?!

Thank you for the post! I wish you all the luck in the world, and I hope you get out of the hospital soon and are in brilliant health once again!! Get well soon!!
Your welcome! My first surgery was a piece of cake, not much pain, and got mobile asap, if I had of looked after myself better, I wouldnt of had the stupid 2nd one. Just avoiding a 3rd, but I have done so much research and my daughter is in 3rd year kenesiology and psychology and research. She is trying to do a project now but will tell more when she is finished, she wants me to get better.

If you do choose to have surgery rather than being on so many meds that destroy our bodies at your young age, I would do it and then behave not Not put the disease in a "I am cured" stage. Anytime you need questions answered many here to help you out.

Look Aaron is helping too !! ;)

That's good to know... We all make mistakes in terms of caring for ourselves! It's part of being human! I'll keep you in my prayers regarding you dodging a third surgery! Oh I hope your daughter's project goes well, it'll be interesting to see what she's learned and what she has to report!! :)

Yeah, I'll definitely be sure to watch myself in regards to the disease, I'll be ever vigilant now that I know what's going on. It'll be hard, but I'll behave! Haha. Thanks again, Pen! I appreciate it greatly!
Reading your first post sounds like an echo of what I deal with (minus the periods). I have had the pain with urinating for about two years, and all my stupid GI would say was "go see a urologist." Seems he couldn't put the two together.. I KNOW there is a component in CD that is causing the pain. Maybe an adhesion, or something like that.

Weight loss is so rough. I used to be accused of using cocaine, meth, stuff like that. I have never used meth, and the former I had only tried a couple times in my mid 20's, and it had nothing to do with what was going on. Other peoples ignorance can be so depressing... There is no logical way to explain losing 10# in a week to someone, when you don't know what is going on yourself..

May I ask what you were drinking to gain weight? I hovered at ~145# until I started steroid therapies. My heaviest was 172#, currently I am ~150#, thanks to a flare I can't shake. I was 6'1", now I'm 5'11". Thanks Prednisone.

Good luck in your endeavors! I too have only recently found this forum. There is a TON of information here. As well as a bunch of people who understand exactly the Hell we are going through. :)
Reading your first post sounds like an echo of what I deal with (minus the periods). I have had the pain with urinating for about two years, and all my stupid GI would say was "go see a urologist." Seems he couldn't put the two together.. I KNOW there is a component in CD that is causing the pain. Maybe an adhesion, or something like that.

Weight loss is so rough. I used to be accused of using cocaine, meth, stuff like that. I have never used meth, and the former I had only tried a couple times in my mid 20's, and it had nothing to do with what was going on. Other peoples ignorance can be so depressing... There is no logical way to explain losing 10# in a week to someone, when you don't know what is going on yourself..

May I ask what you were drinking to gain weight? I hovered at ~145# until I started steroid therapies. My heaviest was 172#, currently I am ~150#, thanks to a flare I can't shake. I was 6'1", now I'm 5'11". Thanks Prednisone.

Good luck in your endeavors! I too have only recently found this forum. There is a TON of information here. As well as a bunch of people who understand exactly the Hell we are going through. :)

It could be an adhesion causing it. I know for women endometriosis can cause adhesions too, so I'd just assumed it had to do with that. Thinking about it though, I imagine the intestines are close enough to the kidneys/bladder that if there is any inflammation from a flare-up or just slight inflammation, there will be some pain associated with urination.

The weight loss is awful! That's terrible people accused you of stuff like that! It can get very old, and very depressing very quickly. I had to switch Universities not only because of the students, but because the school would not work with me due to my constantly being sick (I think my Crohn's going undiagnosed is probably what lead to my battered immune system. I got the swine flu two semesters in a row.) I had one girl try and knock me down some stairs on the third story of the school because I was a 'skinny b***h*.' So when I switched Universities, I decided I'd gain some weight so I wouldn't be known as 'that girl with the eating disorder' at a new school.

I will warn you that I don't know if drinking the stuff caused a flare or not. It's called GNC Weight Gainer 2200. I'd drink only one glass a day, and I gained five pounds a month. I quit drinking it two months in. Problem is, the drink is not FDA approved, and it stretches your stomach severely. I had a lot of pain in using it. I'd spend hours feeling like I could vomit, I'd have horrible reflux, etc. But I had no idea I had Crohn's, so I thought I was just being a wimpy-butt and needed to suck it up to stop being bullied! My own cousins would whisper and gossip about me, so you can probably see why I made myself plow through that shake! Haha

Oh man, I hope you have some luck with the weight gain! If your diet allows, I'd try to just bulk up on some of the fattening stuff and use that GNC shake as a last resort, 'cause I'll be honest -- it's about a step worse than drinking Barium in thickness and taste, and it hurts so badly. Not to mention there are so many added 'proteins' and stuff, I'm not even sure if they're all really necessary. But it did help me gain weight. I'd gained about 37 pounds in... four months? Five?

Thank you! Good luck in your endeavors as well! I hope you can shake that flare at last! They're awful! Yes! This forum is wonderful, and that's exactly what I think too - it's nice to know people here know and understand what you're going through! It's nice to not feel alone!

Just a nerdy little factoid here -- but apparently Dwight D. Eisenhower had Crohn's as well. He was diagnosed while in Office!
Your description of the shake made me cringe a little.. :awe:

The idea of nausea, and a stretched out stomach sound terrible! Then there was the Barium comparison. I will look into protein shakes though, because that is a fair amount of weight gain. I would really like to fatten up some before I go in for surgery. I figure I will lose weight due to the surgery, and not being able to ingest anything until the gut comes around..

I think that is horrible that you had to go to another school because of he harassment. I do understand it though. When I was working, I had a manager that thought I was pulling his leg when I would have to go to the bathroom. At one point, he told me not to take breaks because I went to the toilet so much. (if only I had a tape recorder for that conversation!) My record for one 8hr shift was 17 trips! I should have been home. I just really wanted to work. Still do. Maybe after surgery..:thumright::thumleft: Shouldn't get my hopes up.
Hi Jen

You're sure going through a lot while trying to stay in school! Being undiagnosed can be hellish enough, and then the misdiagnosis (eat more fibre? seriously? sigh.) is an added crapshoot because it minimizes the pain you're going through. I'm glad you finally got a proper diagnosis even though, as you say, it's now a look into a future that you really can't predict.

Life with Crohn's can be really difficult and arduous. I was diagnosed in 2001 and have tried every available drug, including being on research trials for future meds, and nothing really worked. I did end up having surgery a few months ago and feel AMAZING. I've gained 30 pounds and can actually stand to look at myself in the mirror again. I'm walking every day and building up some muscle mass and finally able to eat all the foods I'd been missing.

I used a protein drink after surgery to gain weight, as well. I bought a chocolate flavoured one that was a high calorie/high protein and it didn't taste all that bad. I got high protein to help with the healing of a wound that I had.

Slim Johnson, I would also recommend Ensure Plus nutritional drink supplement. It tastes better than the other Ensures, and it has added calories. After surgery, my surgeon had told me to take in 3000 calories (I'm female, so I imagine it would be 3500 calories at least for a guy) every day to gain weight. I did, and it worked!

Jen, I hope you start to feel better soon and that all your results come back positive. If you haven't already done so, check out the Diet section of the forum---there's some good info around low fibre/low residue diet.

Take good care of yourself,

Slim Johnson, I would also recommend Ensure Plus nutritional drink supplement. It tastes better than the other Ensures, and it has added calories. After surgery, my surgeon had told me to take in 3000 calories (I'm female, so I imagine it would be 3500 calories at least for a guy) every day to gain weight. I did, and it worked!

Jen, I hope you start to feel better soon and that all your results come back positive. If you haven't already done so, check out the Diet section of the forum---there's some good info around low fibre/low residue diet.

Take good care of yourself,


Thanks for the tip Kismet. :thumright: I actually used to use Ensure when I would go on only liquids. It did okay to keep the weight, however it aggravates my CD. My feeling is that it's the GMO corn, and soy derivatives.
Hey there Sunny! I'm sorry you're having to go through so much :( It makes me so :ymad: when I hear of patients being ignored as you were.

It's called GNC Weight Gainer 2200.
Hahahhaahah (not laughing at you, just in frustration). Oh god. Those kinds of products are invariably poison. I tried to find the ingredient list for that crap online and couldn't. That's unfortunate, as I know I could completely tear it apart. I find it strange that GNC doesn't have it available but that's probably the :tinfoil: in me.

I agree with you when you said you obviously weren't absorbing nutrients. Have you had your vitamin and mineral levels checked? It's extremely important to be on top of that to avoid bad news down the road.

I hope you stick around the community.

*hugs* to you!

Wow, you've had quite an adventure! All things considered, I'm glad you finally have a diagnosis and can start treating this disease.

Low-fiber diets are difficult, but they give your bowels the rest that they need to heal, and I'm glad you're able to avoid steroids, at least for now. One of my biggest symptoms that led to my diagnosis was weight loss, and since I've been on medications, I haven't had much trouble maintaining a healthy weight. If you can palate it, supplements like Ensure are great for keeping up calories and nutrients, especially during low-fiber diets. Do you think the Pentasa is doing the trick?
Back when I was diagnosed, I couldn't walk I was in so much pain. Now, I can climb mountains:) I never knew I could feel this good. You have a really difficult road ahead of you.. but getting diagnosed is a good thing. Intimidating, yes.. but it can dramatically change your life. Before my diagnosis, I was so used to living in pain, I didn't even realize how bad it had gotten until I left the hospital one day and realized my pain was gone. I cried I was so relieved! Now I have an active, healthy life, and almost every day is a pain-free day. I never knew that life could be this easy. Now that you have been diagnosed, you can get treated.. and hopefully get your Crohn's under control and in remission so you can move on with your life. I'm rooting for you:) Let us know how everything goes.
Jen you've certainly had a tough time of it and not been helped by those who should have listened - especially as you had already done the diagnosis!

I'm 23 and was only officially diagnosed just before my 22nd birthday which in some ways was a shock but in others was a welcome relief as i too had never had much success with trying to shake off the skinny 'anorexic' look. I'd gradually been getting worse for about the 5/6 years before that and got fed up being given ibs treatments that may as well have been sweeties for all the good they did!

Once diagnosed things quickly moved and i was informed i had about 14 inches of my small bowel narrowed to a pencil width too. The consultant was actually shocked i had kept going as long as i had - but people like ourselves tend to grin and bear it (well bear it anyway:ylol:)

I was told i'd need it removed at some point in the near future but i resisted using final year at university as my excuse - unfortunately/fortunately my body had other ideas and i was hospitalised twice with an obstruction - the 2nd time i admitted defeat and went for the resection and got the 14 inches plus a wee bit more that was slightly narrowed removed. There was a little complication a few days later but the main thing is now that about 6 months on I am at my heaviest natural weight ever! 140lb's and i feel superb and can eat away and have no pain.

All i can say is i wish i had done it sooner and if you or anyone has any questions you're more than welcome to ask - i was fortunate to have contact with another member who went through the same op and it was very reassuring to have someone with the experience to ask questions of!

Hope you get some more definite answers and peace of mind with your appointments :thumleft:
I've certainly wondered a lot about GMO corn. I avoid it like the plague. But this is another interesting read.



I have gone from eating regular stuff, to almost all organic (again, pepperoni pizza is a big weakness) foods. I have noticed an easier time digesting the foods that are organic, even meats. My thought is that, the animals are eating GMO corn, thus we are eating the same corn. The organic animals are fed differently. I also remember a recall on corn products due to people getting sick, because the "animal safe" corn was getting into chips, tortillas Etc., causing people to get sick. My wife even comments on how much better tasting the organic foods are.
Hey guys -- sorry I haven't been around lately. I'll get back to all of you, thank you all for your responses!

I've been having some issues with severe exhaustion and even hopping on the computer is draining as heck. The barium I had to drink for my small bowel follow-thru has royally screwed my system up, on top of the colonoscopy. :/

I'll be back as soon as I can manage being online for more than five minutes!

Thank you again for all the responses and support! I really appreciate it!

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