Crohns patients that have children with IBD Diseases

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Feb 16, 2011
Hi, I'm new to the site and had a few questions for you guys that have been on here for a while. I have four children 7,5,4,3 and only my 5 year old has been diagnosed with Celiac. I worry about my 7 year old daughter, she has had blockages in her bowels on and off since she was 3 but has had no other problems, she has been tested for Crohns and has seen my pediatric Gastro but nothing has come back with Crohns or anything else, other than the few blockages she has had, sha has had no other problems. My question is do any of you that have Crohns have children with Crohns or any other IBD Diseases, and are they diagnosed young or has it shown up later? Thanks for any feed back
Hi Sha!

I have a daughter (18) that has Crohn's. She was suspected of having it at 9 years, but not diagnosed officially until February of last year.
I have been suspected of having Crohn's as well for around 10 years now, but still no diagnosis.
It blows my mind that I can be so sick all the time and my daughter has severe disease, and yet no diagnosis for me still. I sometimes wonder why they hesitate..ridiculous.
I also have a 13 year old son who had an emergency appendectomy in July of last year and has not been right since. He is now suspected of having Crohn's. We are in the process of getting him diagnosed.
And, lastly, I have a 16 year old son that had severe Colitis as a 4 month old infant and spent his first year of life on prednisone. He still has stomach issues, but doesn't ever complain. I have a sneaking suspicion though that this nasty disease is going to rear it's ugly head in him someday. I hope not tho !! I hope I am so wrong !
I also have a brother who has Crohn's, as well as his daughter.
So I don't know what the statistics are between parent and child, but it's obviously a connection to me. I know a person has more of a chance of having an IBD if one of their siblings have it; Im just not sure on the parent connection.

I hope all of your children are Crohn's free for life !!
And, welcome to the forum !! Glad to have you here :)
My husband has Crohn's and our 16 year old son was just diagnosed in Dec. In hindsight, he showed sign's and symptoms as early as 2. Unexplained fever's, sore tummy etc. At one point, they even checked for leukemia because his blood work was way off( this was probably his first flare) Everytime I asked for him to be tested, I was put off. I am so mad at myself for letting them put me off, but, like I said, hindsight is 20/20. If, in your heart, you think there is something wrong, then please, PUSH!

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