Steroids, for me, made me feel invincable... like I could do anything. Problem is, with the nasty long term effects, you can't stay on them. Now, some folks could tolerate drinking, others couldn't. Sort of like everyone doesn't have the exact same trigger foods. So, you might be able to drink as much as you want without it bothering you. The big problem with drinking is that it doesn't do the healthy mucosal lining of the GI tract much good... erodes it, weakens it... which allows your disease to spread. So, the big caveat with alcohol consumption is not whether you tolerate well or not in short term but whether it speeds or increases the spread of IBD within you. Drinking when you have the disease in a strangle hold is one thing, but when you are fighting IBD and not clearly winning... well, maybe a drink to celebrate is just the tiniest bit pre-mature.