Cutting seton 2 years ago, still in pain.

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Feb 11, 2009
I developed a rectovaginal and perianal fistula when I was pregnant, 5 years ago. The perianal fistula was cut and drained, and healed on its own, even though it still hurts from time to time.

I had a cutting seton for the rectovaginal fistula, two years ago, and ever since, I've not felt okay. I have incontinence problems now, and I'm always in pain down there. GI doc said it looked fine. When I look at it, it looks like a mess, and I worry that it's not healed and the surgery didn't even work. I still feel like gas is coming out of my vagina frequently, but I also have a lot of anal skin tags and have started wondering if maybe gas comes out and it's channeled forward by the skin tags, and just feels like it's coming out the front. I've also wondered if there's an opening left from the seton that allows gas out.

It's all weird and messy and I can't tell what's going on down there at all. I just know that it hurts all of the time, and I'm always leaking and getting UTI's, even though I rinse after every bowel movement.

I've been wondering if I should go back to the surgeon and ask him if it's healed properly, or if there's anything we can do about the incontinence. Basically, I have all of the same problems that I had before the surgery, but now I have even more pain and more accidents that I can't control.

Has anyone else had these problems?
Hi jennyfoust. Im sorry you are suffering so.. Im afraid i have no experiance of this, but wanted to welcome you to the group and send you hugs n support. Im sure someone will be along who knows about setons soon. Again im sorry you are having these issues. I would suggest getting in touch with your doc/surgeon and get checked overn explain how things are for you. Best wishes 💕:hug: