Day after colonoscopy, unwell :( is it normal?

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Sep 26, 2012
So I had a hellish colonoscopy yesterday. I was in quite a bit of pain during the night, this morning my lower/upper left of my stomach is in so much pain. It's cramping with sharp pain. Doesnt feel like gas. It's tender to touch. Also feel sick, been sick once and keep getting hot flushes.

Is this just normal? xx
I would maybe just call the number they give you after you have the procedure to call if you have any issues. Or maybe call your GI doc and ask if this is normal. I think you can feel messed up after this procedure. Are you taking probiotics? I would be. When you drink that crap it guts you of all your good flora which can set you up for any opertunistic infection from what I have read. I would take a good probiotic for sure. Hope you feel better soon..
That's for that, iv not had a probiotic, iv not heard of it before. The pains worse after I eat and I feel sick with hot flushes. Will see how I am tomorrow xxx
I know with the meds they put in the IV it can make you feel nauseous and even vomit for at most 3 days after. Pain is common but how much depends on each person. If you have a fever and start vomiting often and the pain is too much to handle then go to the ER because perforation of the bowel during a scope doesn't happen often but it can happen. I know there was at least one member on the forum who had that happen to them. Definitely call the GI though so you can at least have a little peace of mind for now.

Personally I don't feel nauseous or vomit after a scope and only have minor cramping for a couple of days. But everyone is different.

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